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er's view of the short sea container port, detailing key points such as typical contract points, responsi- bilities and expectations, selling points and management issues.

In Europe especially, the tradi- tional trend of shipping lines investing in ports and terminals is being matched by a reverse trend of ports buying and operating short sea container lines, some- times as a means of protecting throughputs.

Intense Competition

Despite volume growth, almost every short sea market is charac- terized by intense competition and constant change. The European and Asian markets provide a marked contrast in terms of short sea shipping.

European short sea container operators experience a high degree of modal competition from ferry operators and forwarders, all against a background of a mature market showing modest growth.

Asian operators, on the other hand, have only limited modal competition in a market demon- strating dramatic growth in line with the economies of the Far

East. However, what is common to both markets is the ongoing down- ward pressure on freight rates.

Northern Europe has seen the advent of the Channel Tunnel and the ripple effect on freight rates this massive injection of new capacity has caused.

The fixed-link between

Continental Europe and

Scandinavia will undoubtedly affect shipping operations and freight rates in the Baltic when completed around the millennium.

Meanwhile, the emergence of the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union offers a massive potential market, but one fraught with uncertainties and dif- ficulties.

Ship sharing and the formation of alliances is becoming increasing- ly common as a means of control- ling costs and defending market shares in short sea container mar- kets.

However, even this has not been enough to protect leading operator

Bell Lines from financial disaster in European door-to-door trade.

Many feeder operators also face extreme pressure and the survey provides a detailed analysis of the cost structure of feeder operations in the key regional markets of the world.

For more information on the new survey Short Sea Container

Markets: The Feeder and Regional

Trade Dynamo, contact Drewry

Shipping Consultants Ltd.,

Drewry House, Meridian Gate -

South Quay, 213 Marsh Wall,

London E14 9FJ, tel: +44 (0) 171 538 0191.

Seakeeping Prediction

System Introduced

Consilium Marine AB recently introduced its new SAL SPS sys- tem.

The purpose of the Seakeeping

Prediction System (SPS) is to pro- vide information regarding wave- induced dynamic effects on the ship.

The information is obtained by theoretical calculations in combi- nation with measurements of the ship motions.

The SAL SPS allows basic config- uration monitoring of bow slam- ming, green water on deck, hull vertical bending moment, accelera- tion levels and effective heel angles.

SAL SPS displays responses in a processed form in terms of the most probable maximum value encountered during a certain peri- od of time.

The new system also features a more sophisticated forecast intend- ed to serve as an operational guid- ance tool in critical situations.

This service allows the operator to test the outcome of different actions prior to executing them in reality and will also indicate the optimum corrective action.

For more information on

Consilium Marine AB

Circle 13 on Reader Service Card

Yanmar Unveils Four-Stroke

Six-Cylinder Diesel Engine

For Pleasure Crafts

Using the more economical diesel engine has traditionally meant sacrificing space and weight.

Yanmar Diesel America Corp. has reportedly changed that by releas- ing the 6LP-DTE, a four-stroke, six-cylinder diesel engine that is part of its new series of engines for pleasure craft. The overhead cam design develops maximum horse- power at higher rpms. This design accommodates smaller, smoother- running propellers and, at 3,800 rpm, the turbo-charged diesel pro- duces 250 hp — the same horse- power produced by V8, 454 cu. in. gas engines. Yet the 6LP-DTE weighs only 836 lbs. Its power-to- weight ratio of 3.3 lbs. per hp is reportedly one of the lowest on the market.

The engine measures only 37.4 x 26.4 x 28.7 in. and features a 3.7 in. bore, a 3.9 in. stroke and a 254 cu. in. displacement.

For more information on

Yanmar Deisel America Corp.

Circle 15 on Reader Service Card

VT Delivers First Of Class

Attack Craft

Pictured are QENS Barzan and QENS Huwar, the first two of four fast attack craft Vosper

Thronycroft will build for the Qatar Emiri Naval


QENS Barzan and QENS Huwar were recently delivered to Qatar upon completion at Vosper

Thronycroft Ltd. (VT) The two vessels are the first of four being designed and built by VT for the

Quatar Emiri Naval Forces. The 184 ft. (56 m) long Barzan class vessels will feature 76 mm

SuperRapid dual purpose guns, a

Sadral launcher for Mistral sur- face-to-air missiles, a Goalkeeper close-in weapon system and two quadruple launchers for Exocet surface-to-surface missiles. In addition, a sophisticated sensor system which includes 3D surveil- lance radar, navigation radar and passive IR surveillance equipment has been selected for the vessels.

For more information on

Vosper Thornycorft Ltd.

Circle 35 on Reader Service Card 88



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Circle 254 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

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