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be shared and personnel strengths and resources can be rapidly identified for matching to project enquiries and upcoming needs.
John Gallagher, who has resumed his previous position as president of the
Arlington-based BMT subsidiary
Designers & Planners after three years as BMT Group chief executive in the
U.K., is long experienced in collabora- tive methods of working and is a leading advocate of using combined capabilities to optimum effect. In an overview of group activities, Gallagher said "a par- ticularly encouraging trend is the pool- ing of resources by our companies to provide a tailored response to given business opportunities."
For instance, the specialist skills of five group firms have been drawn together in assisting the U.K.' s Mar- itime & Coastguard Agency determine a long-term management strategy for the 1944 wreck of the munitions ship
Richard Montgomery in the Thames
Estuary. As a further demonstration of joint endeavors, several BMT compa- nies in the U.K.. U.S. and Sweden are involved in a multiple cableship design project, pooling areas of specialist
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Know-how manifested in products and services is the result of experience and a considerable plough-back of earnings into research and development (R&D).
Last year, it invested the equivalent of more than 10 percent of U.K. turnover in
R&D, compared with an average figure of less than three percent for British companies.
Ingalls Selects Joiner Team For
AMCV Ships
Ingalls Shipbuilding, a division of Lit- ton Ship Systems, has selected Hope- man Brothers Marine Interiors and
Jamestown Metal as the joiner subcon- tractors for American Classic Voyages' (AMCV's) United States Lines new- builds. The shared subcontract is valued at more than $200 million.
The two companies, who in the past have been head-to-head competitors have teamed up to construct all cabins, as well as all public spaces onboard each of the 72,000-grt, 1,900-passenger vessels, which are currently being con- structed at Litton's Pascagoula, Miss, yard. The cruise vessels, which are the first to be built on U.S. soil in more than 40 years, will offer excursions to the
U.S. Hawaiian Islands beginning in 2003.
Dustpan Dredge
The Marine Design Center (MDC) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is set to provide the dredging modification and repairs to Hurley — a
USACE dustpan dredge.
Measuring 300 ft. (91.4 m), with a beam of 58 ft. (17.6 m) and a depth of 12 ft. (3.6 m), the vessel's light displace- ment is 2,100 tons. Comprised of steel and welded construction, the dredge was built in 1992, and is operated by the
Memphis District USACE.
Hurley's dredging ladder will be extended with intentions of replacing the existing ladder, while the vessel's hull (horn area) will be lengthened to accommodate the new ladder. In order to achieve this upgrade, drydocking will be necessary to facilitate removal and replacement of the dredging ladder.
A solicitation will be issued as an Invi- tation For Bids with the 1FB requiring design development based upon a pre- liminary design prepared by the USACE
Marine Design Center. Available in
March 2000, the IFB may include con- tract options for related repairs. Award is expected in May 2000, and shipyard engineering and material procurement is to commence prior to the vessel's arrival. 48D Circle 64 on Reader Service Card