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Norwegian Maritime Products Report
Norwegian Manufacturers Maintain Edg e
The cliche "the more things change, applies to the past, current and future in the grand scheme of the international the more they stay the same," certainly role of the Norwegian maritime cluster ship and boat building communities.
The crewmember you always wanted
Since their introduction in 1982, ComNav Autopilots have gained a reputation for top performance and reliability in any sea and weather conditions. ComNav Marine has a broad line of autopilots suitable for all types of vessels. 2001 Autopilot t Cor 1 Water resistan Control Head 1 Three "Turn" functions • Automatic trim 1 Two remote ports built-in 1 Two navigation ports for dual input of NMEA information 1 Two heading outputs 1 Selectable steering parameters 1 Optional rudder angle indicator, up to 4 stations • 3 year Extended Warrantee
ComNav ComNav Marine Ltd. 1915 Stainsbury Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5N 2M6 (604) 872-3000 www.comnavmarine.com
Circle 222 on Reader Service Card
Gas Generation Systems •. >- 600 Permea Maritime Protectionf inert gas systems! >- 300 Shipboard nitrogen systems! >- 90 Offshore nitrogen systems!
P.O. Box 8100 Vagsbygd, N-4675, Kristiansand
Telephone: +47-380-39900 Telefax: +47-380-11113
E-mail: airproducts® online.no
Hermont Marine, Inc. services the North American marine industry with quality oily water separating equipment and quality service since 1984.
With 15 years of hands on experience, we understand bilge water and have found simple solutions to get clean bilge water overboard reliably.
Hermont offers the Focas 1500 oil content meter, one of the most dependable bilge alarms. To keep the instrument accurate, Hermont does annual calibration on the oil content meters. To eliminate residual oil from the effluent stream, Hermont supplies post filtration modules as a simple, reliable and user friendly means to keep the environment clean. Applying the above shows diligence by managers and directors in matters of pollution. Q
ISO-9002 certified
Hermont Marine, Inc. 3528 Griffith St., Laurent, Quebec H4T 1A7 Canada
Tel: (514) 735-6185 Fax: (514) 735-0035
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.hermont.com
Circle 242 on Reader Service Card
More than 60 years of experience as a supplier of refrigeration systems to the marine industry.
Custom built refrigeration plants and equipment for: • Reefers • Air conditioning • Provision storage • Chemical tankers • Inert-gas drying • C02 storage • RSW-systems • Fish processing systems
Teknotherm A/S, PO Box 87, N-1751 Halden, Norway
Phone +47 69 19 52 81. Fax +47 69 19 52 89
Few countries, if any, can boast the mar- itime history of Norway, a history that entails many colorful tales surpassed only by the number and magnitude of marine innovations, which have emerged from a country with a popula- tion (approx. five million), which is smaller than many large cities. And while corporate consolidations around the globe continue to morph the marine market — including many notable Nor- wegian companies such as Ulstein, which is now a portion of the Rolls
Royce group — it's a safe bet that the level of innovation and creativity ema- nating from these companies will not waver.
The formula for success in Norway is quite simple, actually, and can be credit- ed to a level of hard-work, market intel- ligence and cooperation which is unequalled.
Despite its size relative to world popu- lation, Norwegians stand tall in the mar- itime community, with Norwegian mer- chant vessels accounting for a hefty 10 percent of the world fleet. It is this plat- form — a diverse fleet of large oceango- ing ships — that sets the stage for Nor- way's product and service prowess.
Norwegian cooperation among shipowners, manufacturers, finance and government is legendary in that a mutu- ally beneficial environment was created and is carefully nurtured. Technology companies work hand-in-hand with some of the most quality-conscious shipowners in the world, developing, testing, refining and bringing to market a breadth of advanced marine systems and products.
While the home market plays a critical role on the system and product creation end — and Norwegian owners are undoubtedly swayed to sometimes favor "home cooking" over outside solutions
For additional infornation on the products highlighted in this report, please circle the appropriate num- ber on the Reader Service Card in this edition.
Autronica 107
Daleside Shipping Services 108
KonMap Maritime Systems 109
Primar 110
Unitor Ill
Valmarine 112
April, 2000 Circle 214 on Reader Service Card Circle 232 on Reader Service Card 66