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Gulf of Mexico Analysis built production systems, 6 production systems based on converted hulls and 5 purpose built storage units. Delivery ot' these units will increase the inventory of floating production systems by 18 per- cent.
Hulls or topsides for systems currently on order are being built at 19 facilities.
These facilities are spread worldwide - 6 yards in Europe, 7 yards in Asia and 6 yards in North America. U.S. facilities that have garnered orders including
Amfels, Friede Goldman, McDermott,
B&R Greens Bayou and Omega.
Future Prospects
International Maritime Associates has identified 210 floating production sys- tems planned or under study, an increase of about five percent over the number of planned projects identified in our previ- ous report. These are projects where a floating system is being considered as the production solution. Some are in the advanced design or bidding stage - some are at an early stage of consideration.
Proceeding with individual projects will
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Circle 263 on Reader Service Card
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Floating Production Systems
Projects Planned or Underway 25% • U.S. • W. Africa n Rest of World 38 Circle 270 on Reader Service Card hinge on the economics of the discov- ery, which in turn will be influenced by the expected price of oil and project development cost. Not all will material- ize and in some cases another produc- tion solution will be selected. Other projects are likely in the planning and study phase where there is no publicized information.
The Gulf of Mexico and West Africa are the major locations for planned floating production projects, with 52 and 49 projects respectively. West
Africa and Southeast Asia saw the largest increase in number of floating production projects under study since our last report - each having an increase of four projects in the planning pipeline. 116 Floating Production Systems and 60
Storage Vessels are in Operation as of
April 2000.
The Drivers
Oil market fundamentals continue to strengthen. The outlook for world eco- nomic growth continues to be good, forecasts call for oil demand to increase and the oil producers appear to have engineered a soft landing for oil prices.
According to the IMF, the world econo- my in 2000 will expand at a significant- ly higher rate than the rate of growth over the past several years. Reflecting buoyant conditions in the world econo- my, the IEA expects world demand for oil to increase 2.2 percent this year.
This is significantly higher than the 0.8 percent and 1.7 percent growth in oil demand in 1998 and 1999. Details for global oil demand are shown on the opposite page.
To meet the growing energy require- ments, oil demand will increase at an annual rate of 1.9 percent and natural gas demand increase at an annual rate of 3.2 percent over the next 20 years. This will produce a substantial increase in production requirement for both oil and gas.
The offshore sector is about to see the arrival of a large number of new deep- water drill rigs able to operate on fields to 3,000 m water depth. More than 40 semisubmersibles or drill ships were ordered between 1996 and 1998 - the last 25 of which are to be delivered this year and early 2001. This equipment will provide tremendous additional capability to explore and appraise deep- water fields in the Gulf of Mexico, off-
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News