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Page Advertiser Product R/S# Page Advertiser Product R/S# 6 ABB Turbo Systems AG marine equip. & supplies 200 57 Kaplan & Assoc Propulsion products 242 28 ACR Electronics electronic safety equipment 201 C2 Karl Senner propulsion equipment 243 42 Albacore Research CAD-CAM 291 32 Kiene Diesel diesel engine test service equip 308 15 Algae-X International diesel fuel decontamination 203 30 Lankhorst Touwfabrieken B.V. rope/winches 244 58 Allied Shipbuilders ship construction 301 3 Leica Navigation marine navigation 245 54 American Custom Yachts fire hoses 205 5 Mack Trucks, Inc. trucks 246 54 American Vulkan couplings 206 36 Mackay Communications communications equipment 247 56 Anchor Marine marine equipmnt & supplies 290 1 Marex.com internet service 248 50 Atlantic Marine shipyard 202 2 Maritel Marine communications 249 49 Autoship Systems software systems 207 55 Maritime Education Sweden AB training & education 250 8 Azonix Corp. electronics 209 27 Maritime Telecommunications Net. communications 251 22 Barkemeyer-Schifftechnik GmbH manoeuvring equipment 210 33 Mathers Controls propulsion 300 30 Bay Ship & Yacht Company ship repair 211 57 Metal Surgey cast iron repair 252 47 Bollinger shipyard 212 9 MGI International marine safety products 253 10 Bug-O-Systems welding 213 30 Moxie Media Inc. training videos 254 54 Cambridge Applied viscometers 214 4 Napa Oy software 255 21 Centrifuge Services Inc. lube/fuel oil separators 215 42 Nera Satcom S communications 256 32 Cincinnati Gear propulsion 288 39 Newport News ship builder 298 51 Corroseal, Inc. coatings/corrosion control 216 44 Norwegian Maritime Equipment AS marine equipment & supplies 257 20 Cortland Cable Co. ropes 217 28 Offshore Marine Labs watermakers 304 51 Creative Systems computer software 218 35 Offshore Systems Int'l navigation 261
C4 Crowley marine services 219 35 Omnithruster, Inc. thrusters 260 43 Cummins Marine diesel engine mfg. 220 37 Radio Holland communications 258 59 Custom Ship Interiors interiors 221 12 Rolls Royce engines 262 53 Datrex distress signals 306 38 Roxtec International AB safety equipment 263 7 Deutz Corporation diesel engine manufacturing 287 22 Sasakura Engineering fresh water generator 264 21 Dutchess Baker Machinery Co. galley equipment 222 46 Sea Trade cruise & ferry convention 265
C3 Eastern Shipbuilding shipyard 223 41 Seaward International fenders 266 56 Effer S. P. A cranes 224 30 Seven Seas Communications satellite communications 267 40 Elasto expansion joint 305 61 Ship Production Symposium trade show 289 29 Electronic Marine Systems technology 228 59 Ship Tech A/S design 268 31 Electronic Marine Systems technology 227 60 Siemans automation systems 269 33 Electronic Marine Systems technology 226 38 Smith-Berger deck hardware 270 35 Electronic Marine Systems technology 225 8 Spar Associate software 271 10 Envirovac sanitation device 229 27 Stork Kwant heat/air/ventilation systems 272 34 Fuel Dynamics diesel fuel decontamination 230 44 Superior Energies Inc. manufacturing & contracting 274 48 G E Marine Engines engines 231 14 Tampa Bay Shipbuilding shipyard 275 51 G.J. Wortelboer Jr. B.V. anchors, chains 232 55 Tano Corp propulsion control 303 26 Gaylord Industries galley hoods 233 40 Thermax bulkhead panels 276 19 Gibbs & Cox naval architects 234 17 Tranter PHE, Inc heat exchangers 277 23 Governor Controls Systems, Inc. control systems 235 23 Tribon Solutions AB computer systems 278 57 Harrington Marine propulsion equipment 236 11 Urethane Products Corp. foam filled fenders & buoys 279 31 Helkama Bica Oy shipboard cables 237 13 USMMA merchant marine academy 280 19 Hotel Monteleone New Orleans Hotel 238 58 VingCard AS locks 281 15 Houston Marine marine training services 239 24/25 Wartsila NSD propulsion 282 15 Icom marine equipment & supplies 293 58 Waterman Supply marine equipment 283 16 IMA business reporting 302 18 Webpark Corporation e commerce website 284 29 In Place Machining cankshaft repair 294 44 Yachting Consult software 286 19 Jacq Pierot Jr. & Sons boat sales & charter 240 15 Jeamar Winches sheaves & blocks 295 22 Jesse Engineering flanges 241 20 JW Fishers underwater cameras 296
The listings above are an editorial service provided for the convenience of our readers. 64 July 2000