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from the vessel, an Underwater Locator

Beacon (ULB), is designed to enable the unit to be found quickly and easily.

The KMSS PSU specifications conform to the 1997IMO suggestions on VDR's, which also cover the operation of the MBB. They state that the VDR should continuously maintain sequential records of pre-selected ship systems data relating to the status and output of the ship's equipment, and com- mand and control of the ship. The VDR should also be entirely automatic in opera- tion and be subject to annual performance tests. The heart of the KMSS MBB is the

DCU 10 Data Collection Unit and meets the

IMO's standards with ease. As the central unit, the DCU controls the main functions of the entire MBB set-up and is the point that all sensor nodes are connected to. It requires a continuos power supply and countless interfaces, all of which are housed in the DCU 10 cabinet, which also comes prepared for AIS and ECDIS installation.

Eighty percent of all accidents at sea are caused by human error. Be it watchmen not handling a situation using the correct proce- dures, or crew with inadequate training, four out of five accidents are caused by humans, and not technology. The maritime industry relies on continuous training of crew, and the valuable data taken from the KMSS

MBB can be used for these purposes. The

KMSS Replay and Evaluation Unit (REU 10) fulfills this function for the KMSS

MBB. Using data downloaded from the

PSU and DCU, the REU serves as an effi- cient tool for evaluation of ship operations.

Crew and ship's personnel can learn from both their own and other people's experi- ence using the REU, making it a valuable training tool. The fact that the data collected by the PSU and parallel DCU is used to it's maximum potential, is part of the reason that the KMSS MBB has is already proving so successful with the worlds ship owners and ship builders. Borje Jansson of Viking

Lines said, "The MBB from KMSS was well worth the wait. I knew that they would develop the best solution. The cost of fitting on older ships is the main concern, but there are solutions available to ship owners.

KMSS understands the maritime environ- ment, and has designed its MBB with ease of fitting and implementation in mind. The modular design allows the MBB to be installed on almost any vessel using the minimum of space.

Circle 21 on Reader Service Card

Svein-Erik Larsen has worked for KMSS (or 12 years, the majority with the responsibility (or sales of all Norcontrol prod- ucts in the Far East region. Larsen was responsible for setting up the KMSS J/V company in Korea in 1999 and also spent sever- al years handling Strategic Alliances world wide including work- ing out agreements, implementing and building up knowledge locally. He has held the senior vice president - Navigation Sys- tems position for two years, responsible for the business area

Navigation System in KMSS.


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