Page 24: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2016)
The Offshore Annual
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Matt Granitto
Business Manager, Evoqua Water Technologies
Please tell us a bit about yourself and your is treated with sodium hypochlorite, which position with Evoqua. is produced on-site by our electrolyzer. The I’ve held various technical and man- electrolyzer uses a small side stream of about agement positions throughout my career in 1% of the ballast water ? ow to generate the sectors including industrial power, automo- sodium hypochlorite.
tive and water treatment for both industrial We offer a dual purpose system, where and municipal users. I ? rst became involved SeaCURE BWMS can also be used as a ma- with ballast water treatment in 2002 when I rine growth prevention system, saving costs collaborated on the design of one of the ? rst on a second system for this function for the ballast water treatment systems (BWTS). owner or operator.
In 2003, I successfully oversaw the instal- At the true heart of the system is the elec- lation of that system. Since then, I’ve been trolyzer cell, where the sodium hypochlorite personally involved in more than 25 installa- is produced. We have been producing such tions of BWTS on both new-build and retro? t items for decades for the marine industry. Our ships. As the chief executive of Hyde Marine, experience allows us to minimize the power one of the original BWTS companies, I led usage and the hypochlorite production to the organization through the ? rst International meet the incoming water quality conditions.
Maritime Organization’s (IMO) type approv- al process, which was completed by Lloyd’s What approvals, to date, has the Evoqua
Register and the British MCA. BWM offering received?
I am currently the business manager for The SeaCURE BWMS has already
Evoqua Water Technologies, with a focus on attained alternate management systems the company’s SeaCURE Ballast Water Man- (AMS) acceptance for fresh, brackish and full agement System. In this role, I focus on build- saline water. Indeed, SeaCURE BWMS was ing the infrastructure necessary to ensure that the ? rst electrochlorination system to receive we can provide our customers with the after- AMS acceptance for all three salinities. The sales support and service they need to ensure system has also received IMO type approval compliance for the life of their vessels. from German ? ag state authority BSH Ma- rine, and marine design approval by Lloyds
As you know very well, Ballast Water Man- Register. agement technology is a hot topic of discus- Evoqua was also the ? rst company to com- sion. For our readers not in the know, can plete low salinity (brackish) water testing in you explain Evoqua’s offering in the BWM the USA for ballast water management so- niche? lutions as part of United States Coast Guard
With ambiguous industry legislation The SeaCURE Ballast Water Man- (USCG) protocols through an Independent agement System (BWMS) is a thoroughly Laboratory. SeaCURE BWMS testing was around ballast water treatment con- tested and ? eld proven system. It has evolved completed at the Marine Environmental Re- fusing the issue for ship owners and from an existing Evoqua product - the long- source Center (MERC) in Baltimore, Mary- operators, Matt Granitto, business established Chloropac Marine Growth Pre- land, under rigorous conditions that replicate vention System, which has been servicing the environment in which the system will be manager at Evoqua Water Technol- needs of the maritime and offshore oil and gas operating. We are in the process of complet- ogies, explains how businesses can industries for more than 40 years. Electrocata- ing land-based testing in the other two salini- lytic, the Evoqua brand behind the SeaCURE ties, in addition to shipboard testing and we best ensure compliance in this area. product, is a pioneer in the electrochlorination expect to have all USCG approvals before the industry. end of the year.
During ballast water uptake by the ship owner, the SeaCURE BWMS uses a combi- From our perspective, there is a fair nation of technologies to achieve the treat- amount of confusion and concern among ment standards. First, the larger organisms are the ship owning community regarding the mechanically removed via a highly ef? cient, entire Ballast Water Management issue. self-cleaning ? lter. After ? ltration, the water How do you see it from your perspective?
24 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • APRIL 2016
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