Page 41: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2016)
The Offshore Annual
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in late 2017,” he says. The (used) over- of the Paci? c Island Forum Fisheries
Maritime Canuck Familiar Designs
Declining lobster stocks offshore seas market for these vessels “is good” Agency, a group that includes Australia
Among the companies supplying for factory-freezer trawlers.
Maine are not being felt off Nova Sco- and Samosa but affects U.S. territory the Osprey III build are Danish Car- tia, where the solid, “snub-nosed” ves- One reason for this appears to be American Samosa, from where U.S. soe, whose stainless steel ? llet line and sels of local builder Aylward Fibreglass growing worldwide opposition to trans- tuna boats have so very recently with- freeze plant found its way aboard earlier shipment via “mother ships” among na- have become the lobsterman’s choice for drawn on orders from the Department Osprey vessels and at least one other Ca- tional regulators worldwide and vulner- of Commerce’s National Marine Fisher- “lifestyle”, where trendy means return- nadian and one French new-build freez- able, underfunded ? sheries like those ies Service.
ing to a cherished ? shery for once all- er trawler (of Skipsteknisk and Rolls- too-migrant locals. The Aylwards have even started transporting cross country — a week’s drive — to buyers on Can- ada’s Paci? c coast, where the large crab species are on the rise. Aylward’s peers dot tiny Cape Island off southwest Nova
Scotia, where receptive lobsterman are keen to use 65-foot designs to “dump” for lobster twice a year and to longline, or “? sh-drag”, in the summer. Aylward’s
Grizzly hulls are uniquely broad-beamed and famously stable. “Our lobster ? shermen ? sh on average 375 lobster traps, so they want to get to the grounds in one load. They want to be able to go out and haul them in rough seas,” said owner Glen Aylward, explain- ing, “We have continued the keel line in the bow as far forward as we could …
This gives our hulls a very ? ne entry for a boat with this massive width. These hulls do not pound in heavy seas. They simply break through the waves, which also makes them more fuel ef? cient as the ? rst wave is broken and the others have to follow.”
Northern eagles
Meanwhile, managed shrimp stocks off Atlantic Canada and a “cyclical” spike of Paci? c Canadian Pandalus Jor- dani shrimp means “The ? shery is cur- rently in full swing,” said MV Osprey
Timberland Equipment Limited chief executive Scott Nichols. Recent discoveries of new stocks in Quebec’s
Supplying the Maritime Workboat industry for over 50 years.
giant Ungava Bay and “strong markets” have generated enough optimism for s