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Green Ship Technologies
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The Final Word “I hold no branch in higher esteem, than the
Merchant Marine…”
General Douglas MacArthur,
Supreme Allied Commander of the Pacifc in WWII.
every twenty-six mariners perished dur- and thus no U.S. Merchant Marine Vet- mand. These ships steam right next to ing the War due to enemy action. That is eran ever had the government’s fnan- the Navy warships and operate with a greater percentage than the U.S. Ma- cial support to attend college and better them alongside in the war zone provid- rine Corps! Think about it… 1614 ships themselves or their children. Further, no ing the critical underway replenishment were sunk, 9,521 mariners were killed, U.S.Merchant Marine Veteran was re- (UNREP) operations; and UNREP is and 712 mariners were held as POWs. warded with the privilege to use any of one of the most dangerous evolutions
As mentioned, National Maritime Day the veteran’s benefts (VA) such as a VA in which a navy ship will experience. celebrates not only the heroic and self- home loan, as all other WWII service This was true for this most recent war, lessness of the U.S. Merchant Mari- members were afforded. from 2002-2010 as well as Operation ners during time of war, but the entire Finally, some recognition has been Desert Storm/Sortie1991-1992. Aston- of the U.S. maritime industry. The fag bestowed upon these heroes, albeit late ishingly, all U.S. Navy personnel on of the U.S Merchant Marine states, “In as most of the WWII mariners have these same exact ships, in which were
Peace and War.” Therefore, on National sadly passed away. Thanks in large part operated by U.S. Merchant Mariners,
Maritime Day we therefore celebrate to American Merchant Marine Veterans were granted veteran status; yet the U.S. the maritime industry’s support of our (AMMV), and in particular one daugh- Merchant Mariners standing right next economy by transporting hundreds of ter of a WWII veteran, Ms. Shelia Sova; to them were once again were left out. billions of dollars in goods and services. on March 13, 2020, the 75th Anniver- The U.S. Merchant Marine is known as
This of course includes the shipbuilding sary of the Allied victory in WWII, the “Fourth Arm of Defense.” If that is industry in addition to both inland and Congress approved, and the President the case, why not recognize these vet- deep-sea shipborne commerce. Again, signed into law the, “Merchant Mari- erans of our latest wars, whilst they are in referring back to WWII, the maritime ners of World War II Congressional still young enough to take advantage of industry constructed almost 6,000 cargo Gold Medal Act of 2020.” the hard-earned veteran benefts, such as ships to bring the fre to the fght. But not for this small token of ap- the G.I. Bill, VA medical access, and VA
Sadly, due to purely political forces, preciation, appallingly, the travesty of home loans as true combat veterans? In our valiant WWII Merchant Mariners not recognizing U.S. Merchant Mari- order to right this wrong, it will take a were not recognized as full veterans un- ner veterans of foreign wars continues concerted effort by the citizenry through til more than forty years after the War, in to this very day. If the good citizens of our elected offcials. So, this May 22nd, 1988, when most of the veterans were at the United States knew their govern- on National Maritime Day please take a best in their late 60’s. Even more egre- ment was still discriminating against moment to remember the U.S. Merchant gious was the fact on June 22, 1944, the current U.S. Merchant Mariners in Mariners and those in the maritime in- upon signing the G.I. Bill, President combat zones, they would be equally dustry for all their service and sacrifces
Franklin D. Roosevelt, stated, “I trust appalled. In what the general public for our country.
that the Congress will also soon provide is probably unaware of, most of the similar opportunities for postwar educa- U.S. Navy auxiliary ships, including tion and unemployment insurance to the the ships which are a part of all U.S. members of the merchant marine, who Navy carrier strike groups, painted haze have risked their lives time and again gray with a number on the bow, are all during this war for the welfare of their manned and operated by U.S. Merchant country.” Tragically, this never came, Mariners of the Military Sealift Com- 58 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • May 2021