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USCG Fleet Modernization Annual
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People & Companies of Corporate Governance, will assume the position of Chief Governance Of- ? cer, stepping into USTC Executive
Smith to lead Seaward Services
Hornblower Group announced that
Brendan Smith, formerly VP of Engi- neering, NYC Ferry, has been named
President of Seaward Services, Inc.
Smith replaces John Keever, who has retired after 50 years in the industry.
Congressman Garbarino Visits Retlif
A globally recognized, independent
EMC/EMI and environmental testing organization, Retlif Testing Labo-
Adm. Linda Fagan takes USCG Helm
Adm. Karl L. Schultz (above right) ratories welcomed New York State was relieved as Commandant of the Congressman Andrew Garbarino to its
U.S. Coast Guard by Adm. Linda L. secure facility for an escorted tour of
Fagan (above left) during a military their EMC (Electromagnetic Compat- change-of-command ceremony presid- ibility) and Environmental Simulation ed over by President Joseph R. Biden Services (ESS) laboratories. The tour
Jr. (above center) Wednesday, June was followed by a roundtable discus- 1, 2022, at Coast Guard Headquarters sion in support of military contracting in Washington, DC. Fagan assumed and defense manufacturing on Long Is- th the duties as the 27 Commandant land, logistics and supply chain issues, following her service as the 32nd Vice and the growing employment opportu-
Commandant. nities within the contracting space.
Krugh New President Bath Iron Works MidAtlantic Engineering
General Dynamics appointed Gulf- MidAtlantic Engineering Partners
Charles F. Krugh, Bath Iron Works stream Aerospace executive Charles (MidAtlantic), a civil, environmental,
F. Krugh as president of General Dy- and marine engineering and surveying namics Bath Iron Works. A U.S. Army ? rm, is pleased to announce that W. veteran, Krugh served in a variety of Stuart Lewis, P.E. is a partner in the aerospace manufacturing roles before ? rm. joining General Dynamics in 2011 as a
BMT’s Hammock wins RINA’s Prize
SVP and GM for Jet Aviation.
BMT said that Lisa Hammock,
Environmental Protection and Sustain-
USTC Changes Leadership
Nina Østergaard Borris, co-owner ability Managing Consultant, has been and current COO of United Shipping awarded the David Goodrich Prize by and Trading Company (USTC), takes the Royal Institution of Naval Archi- on new responsibilities in the family- tects (RINA). The prize, awarded annu- owned business as CEO, succeeding ally and named after David Goodrich, her father Torben Østergaard-Nielsen a former president of RINA and one who will take over as Chairman of the of the founders of BMT, is given for
USTC/PR Bath Iron Works US Coast Guard HQ
Board of Directors for USTC. Mia the best paper presented at the annual
Nina Østergaard Borris, CEO, USTC
Østergaard Rechnitzer, current Head RINA Warships conference.
56 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • June 2022
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