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Compliance, performance, pro? tability, sustainability; take the biggest ‘pain points’ for almost any shipping company and watch NAVTOR’s digital ecosystem work wonders. Here Tor Svanes, Founder and CEO, explains how

NAVTOR has grown to lead the smart shipping world, why the recent merger with Voyager Worldwide was so critical, and how he hopes to help steer the industry towards brighter, simpler, and more intelligent horizons.

And to be fair, he wasn’t alone.

“The morning of the an-

When Voyager Worldwide, a group with over 200 employees and a history stretching back over two centuries, became a NAVTOR com- nouncement I got a text from pany in December last year it took maritime by surprise. It was a deal the boss of one of our big- that made NAVTOR - founded in 2011 with, pre-merger, around 180 employees - a leader in e-Navigation, smart shipping, and the maritime gest competitors, basically technology domain, catapulting the Norwegian company into a differ- saying ‘blimey, I didn’t see ent league. “Just a few years ago if you had a company like ours with products that coming!’” and services on 4, 5 or 6,000 vessels it’d be huge,” Tor Svanes, Founder 18 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • June 2024

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.