Page 21: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 2024)

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Shipping companies can gain a business advantage by being proactive with digitalization of their ? eets.




Managing risk to embrace enabling technologies can build resilience amid volatility, says OrbitMI.

mbracing enabling technologies necessary to Amid this perfect storm, having rapid access to reliable navigate greener seas can be a market differentia- data to inform operational decision-making will be vital to tor for maritime leaders as adopting data-driven tackle the forces of change and this will demand an effective business processes can build resilience amid in- strategy for digital transformation to deliver competitive ad-

Ecreasing volatility - but this also means managing vantage, Riaz believes.

innovation risk, according to OrbitMI CEO Ali Riaz. “Compliance with existing and emerging regulations can ei-

Shipping faces an increasingly complex and rapidly chang- ther be seen as a burden or a business opportunity. By taking ing environment, with market volatility driven by evolving advantage of change and implementing enabling technologies environmental and other regulation, as well as operational at an early stage, it is possible to turn an apparent liability into factors such as higher costs, ? uctuations in cargo demand and an asset through process automation to boost ef? ciency,” says crew shortages, and macro issues like economic and geopo- the head of New York-based software-as-a-service company litical turbulence at the global level. OrbitMI, which has forged a partnership with class society Bu- 21

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.