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trainer must earn the trust of the trainee. Trainees trust trainers And, of course, this article ignores the potentially bigger who share their experiences, who can demonstrate expertise, question of whether we will need to train humans at all in our and who have “been there and done that”. Trust is a funda- future AI-populated maritime environment. mental element in quality training relationships. Human train- No one can tell us with certainty what the future holds for ers earn credibility through their careers and personal connec- AI and its effects on us and the maritime world. It is simply tions, while AI, regardless of sophistication, might have a hard too unknown and complex to reliably predict. Therefore, we time establishing the same level of trust. will have to wait and see. But with absolute certainty we can

We expect that AIs, at least in certain areas, will greatly say that change is coming, that it will not take long, and that surpass human abilities. They already have. However, all the it will not be boring.

above examples rely on the assumption that there will be limits Thank you for reading and until next time, train well and on how authentically an AI can reproduce human thoughts and sail safely.

emotions. But remember - the endgame of AI research is not to mimic the thoughts of humans, but rather to generate an intel- ligence that actually has those thoughts, emotions and (eventu-

The Author ally) experiences. If AI research gets there (and in my opinion it certainly will), then the only remaining argument against AI


Murray Goldberg is CEO of Marine replacing human trainers is whether the humans being trained

Learning Systems. are biased against AIs and therefore inherently skeptical of

Email: [email protected] them as trainers. But if AIs actually become excellent trainers, then even this impediment will likely be short lived. 7

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.