Long Maritime Reporter 1985 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985The H-3 Research & Development Group, Ltd. of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., has announced the design of its new super fast patrol boat developed by Edward H. Heinemann, world-famous and innovative designer of airplanes and fast patrol craft. The H-3 (shown above) is a water jet, three-engine vess
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985The Dow Chemical Company has announced a modular air separation system based on its advanced membrane technology. The new GENERON ® systems produce 95-99 percent nitrogen and, according to Dow, are simple and safe to operate. As a consistent source of enriched nitrogen, the systems are expec
- BMV Maskin A.S. Introduces New Engine page: 106
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985BMV Maskin A.S. has introduced a new heavy fuel burning diesel engine for marine propulsion and auxiliary use as well as for shore side power generation. This new engine, designated the B type, has been undergoing intensive testing at the Bergen Diesel factory since September 1984. The engin
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985Peterson Builders, Inc. (PBI), of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., had a tall order with a tight deadline: build a series of ships for the US Navy and provide the entire set of construction drawings in digital data form. The problem was that the drawings had been created manually, and re-creating them in
- Gulf Coast Shipyards page: 78
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985A Facilities Review ALUMINUM BOATS Aluminum Boats, Inc., is a new shipyard in south Louisiana that is rapidly earning a reputation for high-quality construction and repair of aluminum boats at reasonable prices. As the name indicates, the shipyard specializes in the construction and repai
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985Bethlehem Steel Corporation's Sparrows Point shipyard near Baltimore recently christened and delivered its second reconstructed maritime prepositioning ship. The RO/ R0 vessel was named the Pfc. James Anderson Jr. in honor of the Vietnam war hero who was a posthumous recipient of the Congres
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985A recently released statistical study of weather-related ship casualties shows that the use of oceanrouting services substantially reduces casualty rates. Performed by a statistician from Stanford University, the study examined more than 150,000 crossings of the North Atlantic and North Paci
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985Marinette Marine Corporation, a privately owned shipbuilding company in northeast Wisconsin that builds naval and commercial vessels of steel, aluminum and wood to 400 feet, is offering an informative new free 24-page color brochure on the company's shipbuilding facilities and capabilities.
- OTC-'85 SPECIAL PREVIEW page: 49
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985May 6-9, 1985, Houston This year's 17th Annual Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) will take place at Houston's Astrodomain from Monday, May 6 through Thursday, May 9. OTC is an international technical meeting devoted to information exchange on offshore resources development. It is sponso
- ASNE DAY '85 page: 30
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985Washington, DC—May 2-3 The American Society of Naval Engineers will hold ASNE Day 1985 at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., on May 2-3. The theme for this year's meeting is "Capability Versus Cost—The Naval Engineer's Challenge." ASNE Day is the 97-year-old Society's annual national
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985—Literature Available Spectra-900™, a high-performance fiber that is said to be the strongest fiber pound-for-pound ever made, was recently introduced by Allied Corporation of Morristown, N.J. A super-tough polymer fiber, Spectra-900 was invented in Allied's Corporate Research Laboratories
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985San Diego, April 29-May2 The 1985 Annual Meeting of the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) will be held Monday, April 29, through Thursday, May 2, at the Holiday Inn at the Embarcadero in San Diego. The reception desk will open from 4 to 8 pm on April 29, and a Welcom
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985Fincantieri-Cantieri Navali Italiani SpA, headquartered in Trieste, recently signed a contract with Micoperi SpA of Milan for the construction of a big, versatile offshore workship. The Micoperi 6000 will be a self-propelled, semi-submersible ship made up of two hulls, each 541.33 feet long
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985The first of four huge car and truck carriers ordered by Wallenius Lines for 1985 delivery from Swedish and Japanese shipyards was delivered recently by Kockums of Malmo. Named Tristan, following the owner's tradition of naming vessels after famous operas, the new carrier is almost identical
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985The Marine Machinery Association, a one-year-old trade association devoted to improving business conditions for manufacturers of the machinery used on Navy and commercial ships and to improving the quality of spare parts and repair services for the machinery in the fleet, has announced that
- Nor-Shipping '85 page: 10
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985Shipping and Maritime Offshore Exhibition & Conference 6 - 1 0 May 1985 Nor-Shipping '85, the tenth in this series of compact, high-quality shipping exhibitions and conferences, will be held May 6-10 at the Sjolyst Exhibition Centre in Oslo. Since its inception in 1965, Nor- Shipping has
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1985The recent acquisition of Alco Power Inc. of Auburn, N.Y., by Bombardier Inc., a diversified Canadian manufacturer of transportation, recreational and industrial products, will enhance ALCO's position as a well respected diesel engine manufacturer, according to Gilles Courville, responsible
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1985A Review Over the years we have published many feature articles that reviewed the latest designs and developments of diesel engines per se. For the review that follows, we decided to report on the many kinds of ancillary equipment and services that transform the diesel prime movers into tot
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1985Radio Holland USA, B.V., one of the nation's largest distributors of advanced communications and navigational equipment, recently had a "hands-on" private exhibition of their Total Shipboard Communications Center at the Houston headquarters complex. Attendees at the three day session include
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1985Cummins Engine Company recently introduced the first Marine models of its new B and C Series of lower horsepower diesels, which will expand Cummins Marine product line to 61 horsepower on the low end. The B Series propulsion engines will consist of four and six-cylinder models with displace