Long Maritime Reporter 1985 Articles
- Norcontrol Offers Brochures On Navigation/Instrumentation Line Marketed In U.S. By Nav-Control page: 94
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985The Norcontrol Division of A/S Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk in Norway has restructured its U.S. operations. Nav-Control, Inc. of Halesite, N.Y., has been appointed authorized agent for its navigation/instrumentation line of products. Nav- Control will also administer certain projects and in-proce
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985When the Navy announced on 2 April that Bath Iron Works had won the competition to build the first of the new DDG-51 (Arleigh Burkeclass) Aegis guided missile destroyers it meant—for the Navy, and for the U.S. shipbuilding industry as well—the end of a very long wait. The reason for the shi
- CANADIAN SHIPBUILDING — 1985 — page: 76
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The data in this annual statistical report brings home hard the fact that the Canadian shipbuilding, ship repairing and allied industries are at the crossroads. Policies must be implemented to strengthen our industry. A new federal government was elected last September th
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985The current "oil glut" and the oversupply of natural gas have lulled Americans into a false sense of energy security. If something is not done to speed up the pace of domestic energy exploration and production, we will find ourselves more dangerously dependent on foreign energy suppliers in
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985Westport Shipyard, Inc., Westport, Wash., has delivered a 90-foot fiberglass vessel to Catalina Channel Express Lines for service on passenger routes between Los Angeles Harbor and Catalina Island. Catalina Channel Express Lines, which already is equipped with Westport-built vessels, serves
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985A brand new Victorian-style sternwheel riverboat reflecting the elegance of a bygone era is now under construction at Moss Point Marine, Inc., Escatawpa, Miss., for the Moody Foundation of Galvest o n TGXSS The 152-foot-long Colonel will be able to accommodate up to 800 passengers on histor
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985The following quote was taken directly from a draft report on shipping, shipbuilding, and sealift and is in reference to the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, which constitutes our current domestic maritime poli cy. This report was developed by a Presidentially-appointed federal advisory committe
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985There is an element in our political tradition which holds that government is, and appropriately ought to be, the parent of industry. All protestation to the contrary government, like a parent, has the capacity to nuture, encourage, build up, level, discourage or ruin industry—its child. One
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985A conclusion stated in the 1983 Annual Report as to the prospects that commercial merchant marines will not, in the future, meet national security requirements and a statement of the maritime problem that must be solved both remain valid. They are: "CONCLUSION—Due to dramatic shifts both in
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE SHIPBUILDERS COUNCIL OF AMERICA In my message in the 1983 Annual Report of the Shipbuilders Council, I discussed as a major problem the growing divergence between available maritime assets and those required to meet national security demands. The discussi
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985Editor's note: The following report is reprinted from the 1984 Annual Report of the Shipbuilders Council of America that was released in April, 1985. For the shipbuilding and shiprepair industries, 1984 was a year in which "holding ground" was a primary operative phrase. The present polic
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985This article deals with the potential for new business from the current U.S. Navy program. However, as most readers are aware, since the mid-60's, all U.S. Navy new construction work must be conducted in private shipyards. In addition, aside from about 5,000 U.S. Navy and government ships,
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1985Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. of Tokyo recently conducted a seminar and a reception at The Nippon Club in New York City to introduce to the American market its newly developed UE-LA Series of extralong- stroke marine diesel engines. Attendees included management personnel from shipowning
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Maritime Reporter
on May 15, 1985Manufacturers of shipboard electronics equipment continue to improve their products in an effort to make navigation more precise and safer, and to provide easier, faster communications—both on a costeffective basis. The editors of MR/EN asked the manufacturers and suppliers of marine naviga
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Maritime Reporter
on May 15, 1985In mid-March, Mighty Servant 3 began a 14,400-mile voyage from Bremen, West Germany to San Francisco, Calif. This heavy-lift ship, operated by Wijsmuller Transport B.V., Ijmuiden, Netherlands, transported the 25,000-ton-lift-capacity floating drydock Mission Bay to Continental Maritime of Sa
- Marine coatings & corrosion control page: 36
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1985Manufacturers of marine coatings and other corrosion-fighting systems continue to improve their products and services, with much emphasis on reducing costs, both of the products and their application, and by extending drydocking times. The fuel-saving, self-polishing copolymer antifoulants
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1985Experts in the media and in the government who bother with the matter at all, like to characterize the domestic waterways industry as the "pork barrel industry." It must be great fun for journalists and other critics to glibly caricature a greedy parochial politician with his face stuck in t
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1985The health of the world's shiprepairers is inextricably linked with the fortunes of the world's shipowners: when it's bad for the owners it's bad for the repair yards. The long recession has had a marked effect on the shiprepair yards around the world, but at long last there seems to be a gl
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1985Norfolk, Virginia—May 21-24 The 1985 Spring Meeting/STAR Symposium of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) will take place May 21-24 at the Omni International Hotel, located right on the waterfront in Norfolk, Va. The meeting will be hosted by the SNAME Hampton Roa
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1985Emulsion Fuels International, Inc. (EFI), New York, N.Y., a leading developer of products that enhance fuel efficiency, has entered into a supply agreement with Performance Chemicals Division of Exxon Chemical Americas of Houston, Texas, a leading manufacturer of a wide range of petrochemica