Medium Maritime Reporter 1983 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1983The Department of Defense recently released its second edition of Soviet Military Power. The 107-page booklet describes the Soviet Armed Forces and outlines their continuing growth since the first edition of the report in September 1981. Like its predecessor, the new Soviet Military Power w
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1983The Pacific Northwest Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers held its student meeting recently in Seattle, Wash. Two papers and a slide show were presented. David L. Gray of the University of Washington presented a paper, "Estimating the Time of Arrival of Assistanc
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1983Two recent promotions have been announced by Joseph D. Deal Jr., president of Tracor Marine, Inc. of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Edward Clausner, who has held the position of director of Ocean Technology Division at the Port Everglades, Fla., facility since 1978, has been named vice president of t
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1983Halter Marine, Inc. of New Orleans, La., recently delivered the Moku Pahu, a 113-foot 6-inch Catug, to the California and Hawaiian Sugar Co. of San Francisco, Calif. A Catug is the catamaran style propulsion unit in an integrated tug/barge system. When mated to its barge, the HSTC-1 built b
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1983The Maritime Administration has released a technical report which further explores the feasibility of a novel concept for ship propulsion. The report, "Resistance Reduction in Merchant Ships by the New Propulsion System," was prepared for MarAd by the University of Rhode Island. The New Pro
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1983A "Call for Papers" was issued recently by SPC/IREAPS for delivery at the 10th annual technical symposium to be held August 23-25, 1983, at The Western Hotel-Copley Place, Boston, Mass. A topic form supplied by the organization should be submitted by April 15, and a 100-word abstract of the
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1983The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) in cooperation with the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is going to make a major effort to help develop more U.S. Shipbuilding Standards. The Technical and Research (
- n t e r o c e a n S t e a m s h i p Buys Lykes S t e a m s h i p For $ 1 5 0 - M i l l i o n page: 39
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1983W.J. Amoss Jr., president and chief executive officer of Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc., New Orleans, La., announced recently that the purchase of Lykes Steamship by Interocean Steamship Corp. from The LTV Corporation has been completed. The sale price was $150 million including $85 millio
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1983LEEVAC Shipyards, a division of Morgan City-based LEEVAC Corporation, has announced it has developed a World Class Tug/Supply Vessel in conjunction with a Norwegian design team. The 70-year-old Jennings, La., shipyard has taken a giant leap ahead by answering the need for a vessel designed
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1983Houston Systems Manufacturing Company, Houston, Texas, has completed the fabrication and rig-up of a workover/drilling platform rig for the Hercules Offshore Drilling Company, two trailerized desert rigs for USS Oilwell Supply and one mobile workover rig for Cooper Manufacturing Company. Each
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1983Bell Aerospace Textron, division of Textron, Inc., has started production of the first hull assembly for the new U.S. Navy amphibious landing craft. The event was marked by a recent ceremony in New Orleans, La. The Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) is being built at the Bell Halter Inc. shi
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1983Edward J. Campbell, chairman, executive committee of the Shipbuilders Council of America, the national industry association of shipbuilders, ship repairers and ship component manufacturers, has announced selection of M. Lee Rice to succeed Edwin M. Hood as president of the council. Mr. Rice
- Fisher M a r i t i m e To H o ld E i g h t W o r k s h o p s On L i a b i l i t y A v o i d a n ce page: 49
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1983A series of eight one-day workshops on the "Fundamentals of Liability Avoidance for Marine and Small Craft Management and Engineering" will be given across the nation this spring. The workshops will discuss many of the forms of liabilities that arise in each of construction, design, repair,
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1983Coastal Iron Works, Inc. of Corpus Christi, Texas, recently announced the christening of its new steel floating drydock. The drydock is named Mr. Pat after one of the founders of the company, E.J. Patterson. The drydock is now in service. Mr. Pat is the largest drydock operating on the Gulf C
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1983Incorporating many design concepts from their extensively proven SALM (Single Anchor Leg Mooring) systems, Sofec, Inc. of Houston, Texas, has designed and built a new CALM (Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring) marine terminal for installation in 65- foot water depth off Trengganu, West Malaysia. Dub
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1983Farrell Lines expects to record a modest net profit for 1982, Richard V. Parks, president and chief operating officer said recently. This represents a $35-million operating turn-around over the previous year. Mr. Parks also predicted an operating profit for the 58 year old U.S. flag steamsh
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1983The U.S. Navy has announced the award of a construction contract to Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Company, Seattle, Wash., to build the third ship of the Whidbey Island class dock landing ships. The ship, to be known as LSD-43, will be built at Lockheed's Harbor Island shipyard in
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1983Allied Marine Crane of Portland, Ore., a division of Allied Systems Co., is offering a free product brochure covering its line of hydraulic marine cranes. The brochure describes the features of the 48 standard models of both double tapered box boom and telescopic boom cranes that are availa
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1983Getty Trading and Transportation Company of Denver, Colo., recently submitted proposed construction plans to the Santa Barbara Resources Department and the State Lands Commission seeking permits to expand the company's crude oil marine terminal near Gaviota, Calif. The plans also include co
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1983Hi Tech Boat, Inc., the new subsidiary of Blount Marine Corporation of Warren, R.I., recently entered into a contract with Fire Island Ferries of Bay Shore, L.I., N.Y., to supply a super-fast commuter boat of revolutionary new construction. The vessel, to be delivered in July, will measure