Medium Maritime Reporter 1983 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983The battleship New Jersey (BB-62) was recommissioned recently at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard, Long Beach, Calif. President Ronald Reagan was the commissioning speaker. The New Jersey's recommissioning marks the fourth time the ship has become part of the active fleet. Originally commissio
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983Tidewater Inc.'s marine subsidiary, Tidewater Marine Service, Inc., will purchase 11 offshore oil field support vessels from Halter Marine, Inc. at a price of approximately $33 million. Announcement of the acquisition was revealed by Sam S. Allgood, an executive vice president of Tidewater
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983Kone Corporation and Far East-Levingston Shipbuilding Ltd. (FELS) recently announced that they have entered into a joint venture agreement for the production, manufacturing, assembly, and sale of harbor and shipyard cranes and bulk material handling systems in Singapore, as well as in marke
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983Thomas Marine, Inc. of Patchogue, N.Y., recently delivered two aluminum patrol and rescue boats to the Suffolk County Police Marine Bureau, Great River, N.Y. The vessels are the first to be specifically designed and built for the police — previously, the department procured stock boats. The
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983Aalborg Vaerft A/S has begun the tank tests of an eight-meter-long model of the new passenger "superliner" it will build for Carnival Cruise Lines of Miami, Fla. Studies being conducted at the Danish Ship Technical Laboratory in Copenhagen are designed to ensure optimal propulsion conditions
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983Hoffert Manufacturing Co., Jacksonville, Fla., was an exhibitor at the recent First International Maritime Exposition held in New York and sponsored by The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. On Friday, November 19, Hoffert had a drawing for a four-day cruise for two onboard the
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983The Eighth Congress of the Pan-American Institute of Naval Engineering (IPEN) will be held in Washington, D.C., at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Crystal City, Arlington, Va., September 11-17, 1983. In announcing plans for the meeting, Rear Adm. James W. Lisanbv, U.S. president of the Western He
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983Burton Shipyard, Inc. of Port Arthur, Texas, recently delivered the 224-foot tuna vessel Lady Marion. The steel-hulled tuna purse seiner is the sixth of a seven-vessel contract awarded to Burton by Van Camp Sea Food Co., a division of Ralston Purina Co. The purse seiner will operate primari
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983A technical publication called "Paper No. 20," featuring two reports on the role of the propeller in economical ship operation, is being: offered by Stone Manganese Marine Ltd. One report, by L. Hawdon, technical director of Stone Manganese, and G. Patience, technical manager, is titled "Pr
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983The U.S. Coast Guard has announced that new requirements concerning prevention of pollution from ships will become effective on October 2, 1983. For some U.S. shipowners and operators the new rules will mean changes in operating procedures and for others new equipment will be required. Also
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983The s e l f - e l e v a t i n g offshore drilling unit Sam Noble, built by Levingston Shipbuilding Company of Orange, Texas, was christened recently in ceremonies held in Port Arthur, Texas. The unit was built for the Noble Drilling Corporation, and was christened by Mrs. Mary Jane Noble, w
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1983Trellclean International, Limited, manufacturers and worldwide operators of the Trellclean underwater hull cleaning service, held a two-day in-depth technical briefing and a live demonstration of their three types of barnacleremoving machines recently in Long Beach, Calif. The meeting was a