Medium Maritime Reporter 1983 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1983General Motors is offering a free applications manual which provides full information on new power ratings for both GM diesel-electric power units and marine propulsion engines. GM has raised the rating of several of its diesel-electric power units and increased the horsepower and fuel effi
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1983The 1983—84 season of activities has begun for the Northern New England Section of the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE), Portsmouth, N.H. A new slate of officers has been elected and a tentative program has been developed. The Northern New England Section has been awarded an ASNE
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1983In a recent edition of its Shipyard Weekly publication, the Shipbuilders Council of America underscored the far-reaching benefits for the entire nation which will result from FY 84 Navy shipbuilding and conversion projects. "As U.S. economy moves toward recovery, contributory effect of FY '
- Magnus Maritec Completes $2 Million Expansion Of Fuel Oil Testing Service —Literature Available page: 101
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1983Magnus Maritec International, Palisades Park, N.J., has announced the availability of its most advanced Fuel Oil Testing Services to all shipowners on a worldwide basis. Free literature is available describing the full range of services offered. A leader in manufacturing and marketing fuel
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983Two split hull hopper barges were recently delivered to the Panama Canal Commission by Twin City Shipyard, Inc., St. Paul, Minn. The two ruggedly constructed dump barges were specially designed by Twin City Shipyard for the Panama Canal Commission to handle extremely large and dense blasted r
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983Tenneco Inc., Houston, Texas, recently announced that two of its subsidiaries and a Norwegian company are forming a joint venture, Argosy Offshore Ltd., to own and operate oil field service boats in the Gulf of Mexico. Tenneco Oil Exploration and Production and Philadelphia Life Insurance C
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983Global Marine Development Inc., Newport Beach, Calif., has contracted to NKK and Mitsui & Co. the construction of a unique mobile drilling island to work in the frozen Beaufort Sea. The island, called a Concrete Island Drilling System is to be operated by the Global Marine subsidiary for oi
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983Burrard Yarrows Corporation, Canada's largest West Coast shipyard, has delivered two sister-ship icebreakers to Gulf Canada Resources Inc. of Calgary. The vessels, named Kalvik and Terry Fox, are reported to be the most powerful of their type in the world. They are 88 meters in length, 17.5
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983Maine's Bath Iron Works Corp. has announced the appointment of four new directors as part of its program to continue strengthening its advanced technology program and to prepare for upcoming shipbuilding projects. James R. Vander Schaaf has been promoted to program manager for the shipyard's
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983A new eight-page, full-color brochure now available discusses the drilling capabilities and equipment fleets of the three drilling contractors and the well servicing/workover company which make up Marathon Oilfield Service Companies, headquartered in Houston, Texas. The new brochure covers th
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983Moss Point Marine Inc. of Escatawpa, Miss., has delivered the 6,000-hp, 214-foot Nicor Power to Nicor Marine Inc., of New Orleans. With her extraordinary horsepower and supply vessel capacities above and below decks, the 214 by 44 by 16 fits a new description of workboat. "This is certainly no
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983Vancouver Shipyards Co. Ltd. has delivered the M/V Miscaroo to its owner, BeauDril Ltd., a subsidiary of Gulf Canada Resources Inc. Vancouver Shipyards reports it is one of the most powerful supply vessels in the world and the first icebreaking supply vessel to be built in Canada to Canadian
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983Preparing their crews on vessels or rigs to deal with emergency medical problems can significantly reduce medical care costs, lost-time injuries and legal problems. In response to requests from a number of clients, MarineSafety International has arranged to have an emergency medical course p
- Radm. Meyer Receives New Assignment page: 20
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983Rear Adm. Wayne E. Meyer, USN, the Navy's "Dean of Project Managers," was reassigned recently within the Naval Sea Systems Command as Deputy Commander for Weapons and Combat Systems. He relieved Rear Adm. Dempster M. Jackson, who retired from the U.S. Navy. Admiral Meyer previously served
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983Rising demand for Westfalia oil purifying centrifuges has spurred the formation of a "Mineral Oil Group" at Centrico, Inc., it was recently announced. According to Wend Wendenburg, executive vice-president of Centrico: "With oil prices high and slated to go higher, more and more users are c
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1983An offshore jacking system built by National Supply Company, Houston, will give "legs" to a cargo handling barge designed for shipping major marine components between New England shipyards. The jacking system will enable General Dynamics' Electric Boat Division to load and unload components a
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Maritime Reporter
on October 1983The self-propelled, $82-million, drilling rig High Seas Driller, built by Daewoo Shipbuilding's Okpo facility, was transported to the North Sea by the Ferncarrier. The heavy transport ship was developed by JL Heavyweight Transport of Denmark and was specially designed to carry large or awkwa
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Maritime Reporter
on October 1983The Shipyard Weekly, published by the Shipbuilders Council of America, recently quoted a Wall Street Journal report by staff reporter Bill Paul on a "worrisome trend" implicit in Russia's expanding ocean shipping fleet which now "blankets the globe." His timely article makes these points: "
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Maritime Reporter
on October 1983The Harris Corporation, Melbourne, Fla., has been awarded a contract from Waterway Communications System, Inc. (WATERCOM) of Jeffersonville, Ind., for the design, manufacture, construction and maintenance of a new marine telephone system covering more than 4,000 miles of inland waterways. T
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Maritime Reporter
on October 1983Richard M. Currence, president of Gulf Fleet Marine Corporation, New Orleans, La., has announced the addition of Gulf Fleet No. 65, a 190-foot by 40-foot by 16- foot 6,000-hp class towing/supply vessel, which is powered by twin EMD 12 645-E7C diesel engines through twin Reinjes WAV 2740, 4: