Medium Maritime Reporter 1991 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The Delaware Bay & River Cooperative (DBRC) recently christened the Delriver, the newest and largest member of its oil spill recovery fleet in a christening ceremony at DBRC headquarters in Lewes, Del. The DBRC is a partnership of 15 companies in the petroleum, petroleum transportation and r
- Westport Shipyard Delivers Detroit Diesel-Powered Patrol Boat To California State Fish & Game page: 112
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Westport Shipyard, Inc. of Westport, Wash., recently delivered the 65-foot-long by 19-foot 2-inch ArEx fiberglass vessel Bluefin to California State Fish & Game. The vessel carries a 13-foot Zodiac which is launched by an articulated Morgan Seacrane 60 mounted aft. Rollers were also installe
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The 70,000-grt cruise ship Regal Princess was recently delivered to English owner P&O at the Fincantieri, IRI Group, Monfalcone yard in Italy. With the delivery of the Regal Princess—one year after her sister, the Crown Princess, entered service—Fincantieri has completed the construction pro
- COMSAT Announces Personnel Changes page: 102
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT), Washington, D.C., recently announced the following personnel changes. Arthur R. Sando has been named to succeed Richard L. McGraw, vice president, corporate affairs. Mr. McGraw, who had held the position for the past six years, previously a
- Braswell To Operate Panamanian Yard page: 99
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Elliott S. Braswell Sr., chairman and chief executive officer of the Braswell Services Group, Inc., Charleston, S.C., recently announced the formation of Astilleros Braswell International, S. A., a Panamanian company. This company will further expand Braswell Ser- vices Group, Inc.'s ship re
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Maritime Services Corporation (MSC) has moved to expanded facilities according to George Selfridge, CEO. The new facilities will more than triple office, warehouse and manufacturing space. Located on 3.5 acres of light industrial land in Hood River, Ore., the corporation will have land for e
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Stuart Marine International, Inc., a Houston-based consulting firm, has developed what it calls a "revolutionary method" to retrofit a double hull to an existing single hull tanker to meet the double hull requirements in the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. The company, which engages in design, en
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Since January of this year, Maptech, Inc. has supplied nautical chart CD-ROM discs for the popular NavGraphic II GPS/LORAN Electronic Charting System. The NavGraphic II is manufactured by Trimble Navigation, Ltd. of Sunnyvale, Calif. The NavGraphic II is a fully selfcontained Loran-C/GPS na
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991In the face of overwhelming international opposition and new Congressional action to force a ban on drift-net fishing in 1992, Japan's fishing industry began an uphill battle recently to preserve drift-net fishing on the high seas. A spokesman for the Japanese Fisheries Association, Alan Ma
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991A double-hull crude carrier design incorporation an intermediate deck has been developed by the French participant in the pan-European E-3 tanker program. The very large crude carrier (VLCC) proposed by Chantiers de l'Atlantique offers 6-meter (about 19.6 feet) spacing between inner and out
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Swan Hunter Shipbuilders of Great Britain has delivered the RRS (Royal Research Ship) James Clark Ross to the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The 325-foot-long by 61.8-footbeam vessel is designed as a multirole ship, to be capable of operating safely in Polar waters, for the tra
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Agreement has been reached by House and Senate negotiators on funding for several maritime agencies and their programs. A Senate-House conference committee, working on a $22.1 billion appropriations measure for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and related agenc
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Despite the lure of large discoveries, the oil industry is wary about risking its money in proposed new lease sales off California's coast because of fierce opposition ranging from small local groups to the governor. The oil industry has learned the hard way that local opposition in Californ
- ACL Launches New U.K. Agencies Firm page: 77
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Atlantic Container Line (ACL) recently commenced operations in Great Britain with a new company, Atlantic Container Line Agencies (UK) Ltd. The new operation, based in Liverpool, with offices also in London and Glasgow, takes over agency responsibility from Cunard Ellerman. "This is a furth
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Fourteen foreign governments and the European Community have protested legislation that tightens domestic shipping law restrictions on dredging in American waters. Protesters say the measure, inserted into the fiscal year 1992 Maritime Administration spending bill by Representative W.J. Tauz
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The Hood Military Vessel Group (HMVG) has been awarded a $2.5 million procurement contract to build fiberglass target practice vessels for the U.S. Navy. It is the second Navy contract awarded to the firm in two months. The base contract is for the production of five 56-foot target drones.
- Eleventh In Series Of 16 Fleet Oilers Under Construction At Avondale Christened USNS Guadalupe page: 71
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The USNS Guadalupe (T-AO- 200), the 11th in a series of 16 fleet oilers under construction at the Shipyards Division of Avondale Industries, was recently christened during ceremonies held at the yard in New Orleans, La. The Guadalupe and her sister ships in the T-AO Class are 667 feet long
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991In its efforts to provide complete, competitive electronic systems and services to the multifaceted marine industry, the Radio Holland Group (RHG)-Houston is now providing leasing, sales and service of survey equipment and sales. RHG was recently appointed exclusive U.S. commercial marine e
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Two international maritime treaties that address oil pollution preparation and response and ship salvage operations are being pushed by the Bush Administration. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Richard J. Smith, a
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Rules and regulations aimed at diminishing marine pollution through dumping of plastics and garbage are being increasingly enforced by various agencies such as the U.S. Coast Guard. The MARPOL Annex V regulation, which has been in effect for almost three years, prohibits the dumping of any