Medium Maritime Reporter 1991 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991A recent report by a Japanese shipowner states that world tanker supply and demand will come nearer to balance in 1994 than at any other time in the previous decade. The study, "Review and Outlook of the World Shipping Market," conducted by Mitsui OSK Lines, says the gap between supply and d
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Alabama Shipyard, Inc. (ASI), Mobile, Ala., is in talks with a Danish shipbuilder which could lead to cooperation on the construction of 40,000-dwt double-hulled product tankers. According to Danny Sellers, president of Atlantic Marine Holding Company, Inc. (parent company of ASI), ASI is d
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991A special double ceremony was recently held at what was formerly called the Port Allen River Plant in Baton Rouge, La., commemorating the renaming of the facility and the christening of its new floating drydock. Renamed the HBM River Plant, Inc., to more closely identify with its parent com
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Reactivation and refurbishment of the 700-foot-long by 92-foot-beam RO/RO trailer vessel S/S Northern Lights (Ex. S/S Puerto Rico) is being accomplished by North Florida Shipyard, Inc., Jacksonville, Fla., at its Commodores Point Facility, after being laid up for approximately three years an
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Concurrent Systems has released Version 2.0 of its easy to use hydrostatics package NAPOL (Naval Architectural Problem Oriented Language). NAPOL is available in a personal version capable of performing calculations of Hydrostatic curves of form and a professional version capable of performin
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The now-idle Erie Basin-Port Authority Marine Terminal on the Brooklyn waterfront will be returned to maritime use as a marine support services center for tugboats, towboats and barges, Port Authority chairman Richard C. Leone recently announced. The commissioners of the bistate agency appr
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., has completed a new, largebore, low-speed marine diesel engine type UEC85LSII, which has a 850-mm cylinder bore and 3,150 mm piston stroke. Mitsubishi has developed the UEC85LSII, a high-efficiency engine, emphasizing reliability by integrating Mitsubishi's
- Theme Of MTS '91 In New Orleans To Be 'An Ocean Cooperative— Industry, Government, Academia' page: 34
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The 1991 international conference of the Marine Technology Society (MTS), scheduled be held in New Orleans, La., November 11-13, 1991, at the New Orleans Convention Center, will feature the theme: "An Ocean Cooperative—Industry, Government, Academia." The conference is expected to attract o
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991An American underpressure system called Spillstop is an advanced spill avoidance system for oil tankers. It employs slight, continuous, and pre-existing underpressure in a medium of inert gas of the ullage space of a ship's tank. Spillstop responds immediately in the event of an accidental h
- Waterways Conference Delegates Urge Maritime Industry To Lobby For Repeal Of Shipping Taxes page: 19
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Shipping leaders at the recent annual meeting of the National Waterways Conference, charging that the U.S. Government might be taxing the maritime industry out of the global marketplace, called for an uprising to force repeal of recent user fee increases. Panelists at the National Waterways
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Volvo Penta has launched a new diesel engine for propelling commercial boats. The engine has the designation TAMD102A and offers considerable competitive advantages for semi-planing and planing boats. The in-line, six-cylinder, 9.6-liter turbo diesel is equipped with an after-cooler which i
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991In a move to streamline its operations and release a portion of its shipyard property for sale, Galveston Shipbuilding will consolidate its services to a northeast 10-acre section of its 45-acre site in Galveston, Texas, according to owner Harry J. Fiegel Jr. "We just had more space than ne
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The 333-passenger ferry W.L. Callahan was recently delivered by Hydraulic Fishing Supply, Inc., Anacortes, Wash., to the State of Washington. The vessel was designed, built and delivered in a specified contract period of 168 days. Naval architects and marine engineers Elliot Bay Design Group
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991S t e i n e r Shipyard, Bayou LaBatre, Ala., has completed the conversion of a 180-foot oil field supply boat into a standby/rescue vessel for use in the U.K. sector of the North Sea. The Veesea Typhoon is one of four standby/rescue vessels that will be operated by a joint venture between Ve
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991A trend toward more versatile fishing vessels may be established by a new craft, the Pacific Monarch, built by Rodriguez Boat Builders, Bayou La Batre, Ala., for service in Alaska and the Bering Sea. In recent years, fishing vessel designers and builders have been caught in a squeeze of conf
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The U.S. Coast Guard has proposed that all petroleum-carrying ships and barges operating in U.S. waters be able to provide proof they have new, higher levels of insurance sufficient to pay the cleanup costs of a major oil spill—or stop operating. But the tug and barge industry, which transpo
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Carnival Cruise Lines has signed a contract with Kvaerner Masa- Yards for construction of an additional 70,000 gross-registered-ton SuperLiner. The new vessel, to be named Fascination, will cost in excess of $315 million and will be a sister ship to the Sensation which is a l r e a d y under
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The Marine Society of the City of New York, formed in 1770, will hold its annual dinner on April 6, 1992, at the Downtown Athletic Club. The Society is a charitable and educational organization, the regular membership being composed entirely of shipmasters, all of whom must be, or have been,
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991For the Navy to accommodate future carrier aircraft designs and combat increasingly potent threats to the carrier battle group, it must do one thing: build bigger aircraft carriers. Specifically, a "stretched" version of the current Nimitz class carrier that would be between 125 feet to 400
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Trinity Industries, Inc. subsidiary, Aluminum Boats, Inc., recently delivered the all-aluminum, 85-footlong by 20-foot-beam crewboat Osco Star 1 to P.T. Osco Utama, Jakarta, Indonesia. The crewboat is powered by two Detroit Diesel 12V71 turbocharged diesel engines developing 510 hp each at