1980 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1980Research-Cottrell, Inc., Somerville, N.J., and Transamerica Delaval Inc., Princeton, N.J., have formed a joint venture to address the energy utilization markets. The announcement was made by John E. Schork, chairman and chief executive officer of Research- Cottrell, and D.T. Bixby, president
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1980Halter Marine, Inc., New Orleans, La., recently delivered two of its new l o n g - d e c k 101-foot crewboats to P.T. Bailey, Inc. of Morgan City, La. The Richard Hill and Steve Partain sport 55-foot-long clear deck areas capable of carrying more than 30 tons of cargo. The deck is 17 feet w
- A m e r i c a n T r a d i n g Asks T i t l e X I For Six Tankers C o s t i n g $ 4 0 8 M i l l i on page: 6
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1980A proposal to c o n s t r u c t six 50,000-dwt oil tankers has been announced by American Trading and Transportation Company of New York City. Through individual subsidiaries designated Attransco T a n k e r C o r p o r a t i o n I through VI, American Trading has requested Title XI construc
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1980A contract for the design of an 82-foot offshore lobster pot and longline boat has been signed between Blancke Marine Services of Westville, N.J., and Yank Boat Works. The all-aluminum vessel is designed in accordance with American Bureau of Shipping Rules, with length overall of 82 feet,
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1980The U.S. Maritime Administration will hold a seminar on "Coal- Firing Technology for the Maritime Fleet" on May 19, 1980, at the Seamen's Church Institute in New York City. "The enormous i n c r e a s e s in ships' fuel costs and the increasing dependence on foreign oil has spurred interest
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980Maritel, Inc., Annapolis, Md., has recently published a 14-page maritime satellite communication study titled "MARISAT—A Cost- Benefit Perspective." The study contains an examination of the performance, availability, and reliability, compared with conventional means of maritime communicatio
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980The Naval Sea Systems Command, Department of the Navy, Washington, D.C., has awarded Tracor, Inc. a new contract of $5 million to continue supporting design, production, installation, and operational phases of mine and mine countermeasures programs, sonar technology programs, and sonar and
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980Recon III, the first hydrographic survey boat in the United States to be fitted with Maritime Industries' steerable Z-drives, was recently delivered to Eagle Dredging Corp. by builder Halter Marine, Inc. The 44-foot vessel utilizes two Mariner 120H propulsion units for steering and propulsi
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980The Maritime Administration has released a report, "United States Port Development Expenditure Survey." The study analyzes 1973-78 capital expenditure data for marine terminal facilities in p r i n c i p a l ports of the United States and includes projections through 1983. By using data fro
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980Recommendations Are Presented Which Will Enable The Boiler Purchaser Or Designer To Specify Materials, Design Features, And Operating Guidelines Which Should Assist In Establishing Boiler Reliability In an attempt to investigate the phenomena which affect marine boiler reliability, the Mariti
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980The Chesapeake Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers met recently at the Washington Navy Yard Officers' Club to hear Rear Adm. A.P. Manning describe "The U.S. Coast Guard Research and Development Program." The Coast Guard's area of responsibility has been significa
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980COMSAT General Corporation's new 16-page color brochure describes its m o d u l a r t e r m i n a l, M o d e l 3055M, for communications via the Marisat satellite system. Marisat provides modern high-quality communications f r om ships and offshore rigs or construction barges, to shore point
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980Energy Transportation Corporation, New York, N.Y., has announced the appointment of Gregory J. Masaitis to the position of vice president, Operations, where he will assume overall administrative and operating responsibility for the company's fleet, as well as supervision of the company's op
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980A new type of offshore oil-spill skimmer built by MARCO was assigned to recover oil when a 7 2 , 0 0 0 - d w t L i b e r i a n tanker started spilling oil on November 1, 1979, following a collision at sea five miles south of Galveston Bay, MARCO reported its Class XI oil recovery system was
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980Regie Voor Maritiem Transport (RMT), the state-owned ferry company of Belgium, has purchased two Jetfoils for passenger service between Ostend, Belgium, and Dover, England, from Boeing Marine Systems, Seattle, Wash. The Jetfoil Model 929-115s are scheduled for delivery in time to begin oper
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980J. Ray McDermott & Co., Inc. announced that it has formed a joint venture company with Protexa, the leading offshore construction company of Mexico. The new company, C o n s t r u c c i o n es M a r i t i m a s Mexicanas, S.A. de C.V. (CMM), will conduct offshore marine construction and pip
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980A new full-color brochure is available describing a free fall survival system for larger vessels and drilling rigs. The system consists of a fully covered lifeboat which can be lowered into the sea, or slid off a specially designed ramp and dropped into the water from heights of up to 20 me
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980Bulletin 104-43, a new 18-page catalog published by American- Standard Heat Transfer Division, contains complete design and installation information for heavyduty heating coils. Type H, Type HA and doubletube Type HD1 coils are used for heating air with steam, at pressures to 350 psi and te
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980Gulf Fleet Marine Corporation, New Orleans, La., has completed the first phase of a $61-million expansion program and expects to complete the second phase by the first quarter of 1981, according to Richard M. Currence, president. Mr. Currence said that during 1979, Gulf Fleet acquired a tota
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1980Henschel Corporation of Amesbury, Mass., recently published literature describing their new Ship's Master Clock System. The Henschel Digital Master Clock System provides a synchronized display of time in various shipboard locations. The master clock displays both local time and Greenwich Me