McDermott And Protexa Form Joint Venture- Buy Three Large Barges
J. Ray McDermott & Co., Inc.
announced that it has formed a joint venture company with Protexa, the leading offshore construction company of Mexico. The new company, C o n s t r u c c i o n es M a r i t i m a s Mexicanas, S.A. de C.V. (CMM), will conduct offshore marine construction and pipelaying activities in Mexican waters.
CMM is owned 51 percent by Inversiones Industrials de Monterrey, S.A., the parent company of Protexa, and 49 percent by McDermott Trade Corporation, a subsidiary of J. Ray McDermott.
The joint venture will be headquartered in Monterrey, with offices in Mexico City and Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico.
The new venture has purchased three large combination derrickand- lay barges f r om a McDermott subsidiary. The vessels, the Orca, the Sea Lion and the Tolteca, were obtained when the assets of Netherlands O f f s h o r e Company were purchased last year.
The Orca is equipped with an 800-ton crane and can lay pipe in depths up to 600 feet. The Sea Lion and Tolteca are each equipped with 2,000-ton cranes and equipment that can lay up to 48-inch (outside diameter) pipe.
The three vessels are currently performing offshore construction services for Pemex, the national petroleum company of Mexico.
Inversiones Industrials de Monterrey, S.A. is one of the leading industrial companies of Mexico.
In the petroleum field it is involved in drilling, pipelaying and construction operations onshore and offshore.
McDermott is a leading international energy services company.
The company and its subsidiaries provide engineering and construction services to the offshore oil and gas industry and manufacture steam generating equipment, tubular products, refractories, and automated machine tools.
Other stories from April 15, 1980 issue
- U.S., Canada To Conduct Marine Transport Study page: 4
- French Group Receives $110-Million Offshore Rig Order From Soviet Union page: 6
- Hillman Launches 400th Barge For Crounse Corporation page: 6
- 122-Foot Trawler/Catcher Built By MARCO For Swasand-Mannes page: 9
- Gus Ruetenik Promoted To Environmental Products Manager At Seaward page: 11
- Information Is Available On Three New Doppler Speed Logs By Raytheon page: 11
- Newport News Launches Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier 'Carl Vinson' page: 12
- Top Officers Named At Bird-Johnson Company page: 12
- Halter Delivers 180-Foot Offshore Supply Boat To Pelham Marine page: 14
- New England Section SNAME Hosts Student Section Guests page: 14
- Wm. B. Morgan To Head Ship Performance Dept., Taylor Research Center page: 15
- Joint North Sea Service Operation Formed By Brostrom And Tor Line page: 16
- Zidell Receives Army Dredge Repair Contract page: 16
- Swiftships, Inc. Receives Contract For Two Additional MTU-Powered Ferries page: 18
- ASNE So. New England Section Meeting Features Discussion Of Polar-Class Icebreakers page: 18
- Kutzleb Forms New Company—Steadfast Marine Consulting, Inc. page: 18
- Low Pressure Tubeaxial Fan Bulletin Available From Industrial Air, Inc. page: 20
- Bell-Halter Delivers Surface Effect Ship To Corps Of Engineers page: 20
- Levingston To Build A $28.6-Million Jackup Rig For Dixilyn-Field page: 23
- Wartsila Receives Order For 45,200-Ton Product Tanker page: 23
- Brooksby And Tavrow Elected Senior Vice Presidents Of APL page: 25
- Ship Operations Symposium Set For Sept. 23-25 In NYC page: 25
- Northwest Towboat Association Elects Board Of Directors page: 26
- Literature Available On Master Clock System page: 26
- Gulf Fleet Marine Completes First Phase Of $61-Million Expansion page: 28
- Free Bulletin Gives Data On Heavy Duty Heating Coils page: 30
- New Brochure Describes Free Fall Lifeboat System page: 30
- McDermott And Protexa Form Joint Venture- Buy Three Large Barges page: 31
- B e l g i um Firm Buys T w o Jetfoils From Boeing M a r i n e Systems page: 32
- N e w M A R C O Oil Recovery System Used In Gulf page: 32
- Executive Changes At Energy Transportation Corp. page: 33
- COMSAT General Offers Free Color Brochure On Marisat Terminal page: 33
- SNAME Chesapeake Section Hears Paper On U.S. Coast Guard R&D Program page: 36
- Capital Expenditure Survey For U.S. Ports Published page: 36
- Halter Delivers First U.S. Survey Boat With Z-Drives page: 40
- Tracor, Inc. Receives $5-Million Navy Contract page: 40
- Laborde And Wardwell Elected To Lead NOIA page: 42
- Steve Scalzo Promoted To General Manager- Marine Operations At Fo page: 43
- Satellite Communications Cost Benefit Study Offered By Maritel page: 44
- J a p a n ' s NKK Building Two 6 0 , 0 0 0 - D W T Tankers For Chief Shipping Co. page: 45
- Three Key Promotions A n n o u n c e d At Seaworthy Engine Systems, Inc. page: 45
- Keel Laid At NASSCO For First Of Three 37,500-Ton Product Carriers page: 46
- Maritime Radio Technical Commission To Meet April 28-May 1 page: 46
- Graduate Student Paper Presented To SNAME L.A. Metropolitan Section page: 46
- Three Appointed To Engineering Department Posts At Trus Joist Corp. page: 47
- Literature Available On New Motorola 100-Watt Marine SSB Transceiver page: 47
- R.C. Kaminska And S.A. Wenk Join Bultema Dock & Dredge page: 48
- Improved Marine Boiler Reliability — Phase II page: 50