Laborde And Wardwell Elected To Lead NOIA

John P. Laborde of Tidewater, Inc. is the new chairman of the National Ocean Industries Association.

He was elected by the b o a r d of d i r e c t o r s during the NOIA Eighth Annual Meeting, March 1980. Mr. Laborde, whose office is in New Orleans, La., has been active in the Association since its founding in 1972, and was an original member of the NOIA board of directors. In addition to his responsibilities as chairman, president, and CEO of Tidewater, Inc., he is a past president of the Louisiana State University Alumni Federation. He holds board memberships in various international b u s i n e s s and trade organizations, industrial associations, and civic, charitable, and cultural organizations.

Joining Mr. Laborde is Edward A. Wardwell, NOIA's new vice chairman. He is chairman, president, and CEO of the world's largest diving company, Oceaneering International Inc., Houston, Texas. He has served as a member of the NOIA board of directors for five years and as NOIA treasurer for the past two years. Prior to joining Oceaneering in July 1979, Mr. Wardwell was majority owner and president of The Seaward Companies, Falls Church, Va.

Charles D. Matthews continues as president of NOIA.

R e p l a c i n g Mr. Wardwell as treasurer is C.D. Paget-Clarke, president of Decca Survey Systems, Inc. (Houston, Texas). Dana Larson, Exxon Company, U.S.A.

(Houston, Texas) and Ardon Judd, Dresser Industries (Washington, D.C.) were reelected to their respective positions as secretary and assistant treasurer of the organization.

The NOIA m e m b e r s h i p also elected a new group to the board of directors for a term expiring in 1983. These 15 directors will join the 30 remaining members on the board. Newly elected or reelected board members include: Floyd E. Bigelow Jr., president and c h a i r m a n of Porta-Kamp Manufacturing (Houston, Texas) ; Robert G. Burke, editor of Offshore Magazine (Houston, Texas) ; Otto Candies Sr., president of Otto Candies, Inc. (Des Allemands, La.) ; R. Nelson Crews, president and COO, Raymond International, Inc. (Houston, Texas) ; Andre Galerne, president, International Underwater Contractors, Inc. (New York, N.Y.) ; William E. Gipson, president, Pogo P r o d u c i n g Company (Houston, Texas) ; Frederick Hazard, executive v i c e p r e s i d e n t of Great Lakes International (Oak Brook, 111.) ; James R. Lesch, president and CEO, Hughes Tool Company ( H o u s t o n , T e x a s ) ; J.R. (Rad) Maumenee, p r e s i d e n t , Alabama Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Company (Mobile, Ala.) ; Hugh Morgan Jr., senior vice president of Southern Natural Resources, Inc.

( B i r m i n g h a m , Ala.) ; D. Gale Reese, president, chairman, and CEO of Seiscom Delta Inc. (Houston, Texas) ; Walter B. Reinhold, chairman, president, and CEO, Varco International, Inc. (Orange, Calif.) ; Theodore C. (Ted) Rogers, president, National Supply Company (Houston, Texas) ; and Gene M. Woodfin, chairman and CEO, Marathon Manufacturing Company (Houston, Texas).

The board elected Charles F.

Red, senior vice president-Planning and Rates, United Gas Pipe Line Company (Houston, Texas), to fill the unexpired term of a board member who resigned.

Other stories from April 15, 1980 issue


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