Literature Available On Master Clock System

Henschel Corporation of Amesbury, Mass., recently published literature describing their new Ship's Master Clock System. The Henschel Digital Master Clock System provides a synchronized display of time in various shipboard locations.

The master clock displays both local time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The crystal-controlled, microcomputer-based master clock transmits multiplexed time (hours, minutes and seconds) and date (month, day and year) to a maximum of 40 remote repeater clocks and/or data and bell loggers. The remote repeater clocks show either local time or GMT in various mounting configurations suitable for most applications.

Battery back-up is provided to maintain both time and date in the master clock and in a few selected repeater clocks during any loss of input power.

For further information and a free copy of literature on the Master Clock System, write John Landers, Henschel Corporation, Dept. MR, 14 Cedar Street, Amesbury, Mass. 01913.

Other stories from April 15, 1980 issue


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