1981 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981A Report On The 89th Annual Meeting A series of extremely interesting technical papers, a banquet, dinner-dance, and the presenting of traditional awards were the hallmarks of the 89th annual meeting of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers held in the New York Hilton Hotel
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981The board of directors of Farrell Lines Incorporated of New York has named Richard V. Parks as president and chief operating officer, succeeding James P. Horn who has resigned. Mr. Horn, formerly president of American Export Lines, joined Farrell in March 1978 after the latter company's p u
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981The appointment of John C. Hession as president of Koehring Clyde, Brookfield, Wis., was announced recently by Vincent L. Martin, executive vice president of Koehring Company, a unit of AMCA International Corporation. Koehring Clyde produces and markets revolving Whirley cranes and other sp
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981Shell Oil Company has announced they will sell bunker fuels at the Port of Mobile, Ala. Barging arrangements will enable them also to provide bunkers at the neighboring ports of Pensacola, Fla., Pascagoula and Gulfport, Miss. Long-term terminal arrangements have been concluded and a blende
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981Advanced Marine Enterprises Inc. recently announced the appointment of John A. Malagraph as general manager of their newly opened New York office, located at 170 Broadway. Prior to joining Advanced Marine Enterprises Inc., Mr. Malagraph spent 12 years with Designers & Planners Inc. (formerl
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981The USSR has launched a nuclear merchant shipbuilding program which will, by the close of the 1980s, make the Soviet merchant marine the only one to have both nuclear-powered icebreakers and cargo vessels. According to a report in the journal "Soviet Shipping," the first nuclear-powered mer
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981Newfoundland's c o m i n g offshore oil boom will trigger a parallel growth in the province's maritime and air transportation services, the Hon. Neil Windsor, Newfoundland's minister of development, recently told members of the Executives Club of Chicago. Already two o c e a n c a r r i e rs
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981The Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation recently awarded a contract to Advanced Marine Enterprises, Inc., n a v a l a r c h i t e c t s in Virginia Beach, for preparation of specifications and drawings and construction supervision for a new ferryboat. The design phase is sche
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981Wesley D. Wheeler Associates, Ltd., New York, N.Y., announced the recent publication of a new brochure detailing the capabilities and services provided by Construnaves, the Spanish Shipbuilders Association. The brochure is divided into various sections which include graphs and figures corre
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981DredgeMasters International, Inc. of Hendersonville, Tenn., a subsidiary of Valley Industries, has announced the signing of a letter of intent to acquire Aquamarine Corporation of Waukesha, Wis., one of the world's leading manufacturers of aquatic vegetation control equipment. This highly s
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981The second meeting for the 1981 82 season of the Flagship Section of The American Society of Naval Engineers had a unique format. It was held at a location close to the working place of many members, the Crystal City Marriott, which was also near a metro subway stop for the convenience of o
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981The largest hopper dredge ever built in the United States — the Stuyvesant — was launched at Avondale S h i p y a r d s recently. The oceangoing dredge is owned by Stuyvesant Dredging Co., a partnership formed by the subsidiaries of Zapata Corp. and Boskalis Westminster Inc. The Stuyvesant
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981Gulf Oil Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa., recently announced several new executive personnel assignments at the corporate and division levels. The new corporate assignments are: M.J. Hill, from president, Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Company, to corporate executive vice president, Hous
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981R a y m o n d International Inc., Houston, Texas, announced recently that its subsidiary, Kaiser Engineers, Inc. of Oakland, Calif., has been awarded a contract to provide i n d u s t r i a l engineering services for the East Coast Trident Refit Facility under development by the U.S. Navy.
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981Baldt Incorporated, Chester, Pa., has introduced a new line of abrasion-resistant chain which was developed for tough marine (ARC-15) and mining (ARC-30) applications. A brochure describing the new product is available from the company. Composed of specially formulated, high-quality a l l o
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981Kvaerner, the Norwegian shipbuilding and engineering group and the Finnish ship equipment m a n u f a c t u r i n g c o m p a n y Oy Navire AB, Parainen, have recently announced the intent to merge. When joined with Kvaerner Brug equipment company, Oslo, Norway, the new organization will h
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981Maher Terminals Inc. has embarked on a major expansion program at its container facility in Elizabeth, N.J. The p r o g r a m , scheduled for completion next August, includes the acquisition of a $4.2-million container crane, which will be added to its three existing cranes. Maher is also a
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981Ward Fuller, executive vice president of American Steamship Company, Buffalo, N.Y., has been given the additional responsibility of chief operating officer, it was announced recently by Thomas W. Burke, president and chief executive officer of the GATX subsidiary company. Mr. Fuller joined
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981The Sun Company, Inc., announced recently that it has signed a letter of intent for the sale of the assets of its Sun Ship subsidiary of Chester, Pa., to Levingston Shipbuilding Company, Orange, Texas. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Levingston is a privately held company that
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1981P. Takis Veliotis has been designated executive vice presidentmarine and international operations of General Dynamics Corp., according to a recent announcement by David S. Lewis, chairman and chief executive officer. The post, according to Mr. Lewis, is a new one that includes responsibility