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With regard to your human re- and grow. As Baby Boomers continue we deliver to everybody. That was rarely sources strategy, what has to exit the workforce, job opportunities the case in the past – things were done changed in the last ? ve years? for the younger generations are plenti- locally. Now, our brand awareness and

What has remained the same? ful. A strong working relationship with power has increased dramatically since

Sue Haley: Five years ago we were a public education to enhance high school we operate as one in the outside world. small organization with HR focused pri- and trade school entry-level trade skills That’s probably the biggest change. marily on transactions and compliance. is critical to our industry’s future. Initia-

Today we are much more focused on tives in public education are picking up What IT tools does your shipyard ensuring we have the right leadership in momentum and will become our prima- use to ? nd, train and retain em- place now and for the future. We are an ry resource for talent. For the shipbuild- ployees?

evolving organization, one where our val- ing industry there is no shortcut to years Don Keeler: We secure employees ues—truth, responsibility, evolution and of experience and we will all suffer through pre-hire and post-hire train- love—in? uence who we are and what through a period of heavy recruiting of ing initiatives, national and local hir- we do. We ask our leaders to lead from inexperienced workers placed in a steep ing events, community engagement and the heart and inspire those around them learning curve to replenish the supply of robust branding. Most notably we are to grow and learn. We hire and promote skilled workers so high in demand. recognized by the DOL as having one based on these values and their skills. We of the top apprenticeship programs in have found that if the person ? ts our val- Arold de Vries: The most signi? cant the nation. This allows us the opportu- ues and culture, we can help provide the thing – and I’ve been year for four years nity to secure, train and retain top tal- skills they will need to be successful. In – is that we operate as one company in- ent. Our number one point of retention terms of what has remained the same, we ternally and to the outside world – and is our commitment to safety, offering a still maintain the hardworking, entrepre- we offer internal opportunities to devel- job with one of the safest shipbuilders in neurial, family-focused atmosphere that op talent locally. We operate as one and the industry. Safety is followed closely has made us successful.

Don Keeler: In the last ? ve years we have experienced a need to hire employ- ees with transferable skills and provide front-loaded training to address skills gaps. The implementation of the “hire- down, skill-up strategy” which Aus- tal refers to in recruitment as “Innovate and Advance a Pathway to the Future,” has become a model for Austal’s hir- ing plan. This model has increased our post-hire training opportunities allow- ing employees to receive compensa- tion and bene? ts while being trained.

We recognize the overall skill level of crafts personnel has declined which has eroded the market and increased wages for highly skilled employees. Turnover continues to be a challenge in light of the high demand for these highly skilled individuals. A strong need for a skilled workforce exists today and will likely to be our reality for many years to come.

Austal provides a great career oppor- tunity for individuals willing to learn Maritime Professional 37| | 34-49 Q3 MP2015.indd 37 9/18/2015 10:01:23 AM

Maritime Logistics Professional

Maritime Logistics Professional magazine is published six times annually.