Luckenbach To Build New Tampa Terminal

Luckenbach Steamship Company, Inc. has announced its intention to support the Tampa Port Authority's new facilities presently under construction at Holland Terminal. Edgar F.

Luckenbach Jr., president of the 124-year-old shipping firm, said in a prepared statement that in recognition of the rapidly changing complexion of downtown Tampa, that Luckenbach had commenced negotiations some weeks ago to sell its seven-acre tract of land on Garrison Channel and would move its entire operation to the land owned by the Tampa Port Authority.

Mr. Luckenbach said that he believes that it would be in the best interests of the city of Tampa for all shipping activity to transfer operations from the shallow water downtown channels to the more accessible open waters of the East Bay. In concert with this proposal, Mr. Luckenbach has implemented a program to provide for the sale and leaseback of his Franklin Street property which Luckenbach will occupy until the expiration of the lease now scheduled for 1975. "It is my hope that the forthcoming announcement of the sale of our terminal property will not be misinterpreted as an indication of our intention to abandon the Port of Tampa, for our company will continue its active role in encouraging the port's future expansion and development of the area's natural assets and expects to grow even larger as the commerce of the port becomes even more prominent on the national maritime scene."

Other stories from February 15, 1974 issue


Maritime Reporter

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