Advanced Marine Vehicles Conference Issues Call For Papers

Papers are solicited for the Fourth Annual Conference on Advanced Marine Vehicles. This three-day unclassified meeting is sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) in cooperation with the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE), the Marine Technology Society (MTS), and other technical societies. It will be held in San Diego, Calif., on April 17-19, 1978. The conference is intended to provide an open forum for the presentation and discussion of past experience, current status, and future outlook for military and commercial advanced marine surface vehicles and their associated subsystems.

Papers are solicited in three general areas: 1. Operations — Including economics, regulations, requirements, reliability, maintainability, safety, logistic support, testing, and roles and missions.

2. Vehicles—Including air cush- ion, hydrofoil, planing, small waterplane area, surface effect, wingin- ground effect, hybrid, and new concepts.

3. Supporting Systems and Technologies — Including power, lift, propulsion, dynamics, fuels, sensors, weapons, navigation, collision avoidance, structures, materials, fabrication, and environmental effects.

Papers should be structured for approximately 20 minutes' presentation.

Preliminary drafts of papers, or abstracts of at least 1,000 words, should be submitted in triplicate to either Technical Program Co-Chairman, to arrive no later than October 7, 1977.

Important c h a r t s and figures should be included if possible.

The Technical Program Co- Chairmen are: SNAME, David M. Krepchin, Manager, M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., 1007 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, Calif. 92101; AIAA, Prof. Donald M. Layton, Code 67-Ln, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif. 93940.

Authors will be mailed notification of acceptance by December 2, 1977. Photo-ready manuscripts of selected papers will be required for publication not later than March 1, 1978. Authorization to present papers and included data is the responsibility of the author.

The General Chairman of the conference is Wilfred J. Eggington, President, Rohr Marine, Inc., P.O. Box 2300, Chula Vista, Calif.


Other stories from June 1977 issue


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