Gulf Mississippi Marine Corp. Awarded Nine-Vessel Contract

Pott Industries Inc., 611 East Marceau Street, St. Louis, Mo.

63111, have announced that Gulf Mississippi Marine Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary providing marine services worldwide to the offshore industry, has been awarded a contract by Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company, Cairo, Egypt, to furnish nine vessels for the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company's operations in the offshore waters of the Gulf of Suez. In addition, Gulf Mississippi will operate two other vessels in the same area owned by the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company.

Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company, in awarding the contract, acted on behalf of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation and Amoco Egypt Oil Company.

Pott further announced that Gulf Fleet Egypt, a division of a wholly owned subsidiary of Pott, has opened an office in Cairo.

Pott's Offshore Marine Services Division presently provides marine services worldwide to the offshore industry, with principal operations in the Gulf of Mexico, the Middle East and the North Sea. It operates a fleet of appproximately 75 vessels. Pott also has major interests in shipbuilding and inland waterways transportation.

Other stories from June 1977 issue


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