Page 3rd Cover: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1978)
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ASNE Flagship Section
Hears Dr. Thomas Cooper
On Military R&D Programs
The Flagship Section of Amer- ican Society of Naval Engineers held its fourth meeting of the 1977-78 technical program year at the Officers' Club of the Na- tional Naval Medical Hospital,
Bethesda, Md.
Following the social hour and dinner, which were enjoyed by approximately 90 members and guests, vice chairman James
Schuler opened the meeting by welcoming all those in attendance.
Vice chairman Schuler also acted as moderator for the tech- nical program and introduced Dr.
Thomas Cooper, who is assistant professor at the Post Graduate
School, Monterey, Calif., but is presently serving as ASME Fel- low on the staff of the U.S. House of Representatives Armed Serv- ices Committee. The subject of
Dr. Cooper's talk was "An Over- view of Congressional Perspec- tives on DOD Research and De- velopment Programs." Through the use of visual aids, Dr. Cooper introduced the audience to the numerous military R&D programs under the cognizance of the House k i
Left: Controls for
Sperry steering and navigation system aboard the
Ross Seal.
Sub-Committee, of which he is a staff member. Dr. Cooper high- lighted the significant present and future weapons systems being evaluated by the Army, Air Force and Navy with a unique insight and commentary. The member- ship achieved a fuller understand- ing of the magnitude of the over- all military R&D program and budget from a Congressional viewpoint.
Dr. Thomas Cooper presenting his paper during the ASNE meeting in Bethesda.
After the formal presentation,
Dr. Cooper responded to numer- ous questions directly related to the Navy and sea-power aspects of the R&D budget. At the con- clusion of the question and an- swer period, vice chairman Schul- er presented Dr. Cooper with the
Section's Certificate of Appreci- ation, and he received a standing ovation for his excellent presen- tation.
Santa Fe Drilling
Names Parry Manager
All Drilling Rigs
N.V. Parry, senior vice presi- dent of Santa Fe Drilling Co.,
Orange, Calif., has been named general operations manager with responsibilities for all of the com- pany's drilling rigs in this coun- try and abroad.
In other organizational changes announced by president G.M. An- derson, C.F. Dawson moved from
London to company headquarters in Orange, Calif., to assume a new position as senior vice president and assistant to the president, and I.J. Flowers was promoted to senior vice president and ma- rine operations manager.
Promoted to vice president were C.L. Barnhill, London, area vice president, Europe and Afri- ca ; J.H. Morris, Bahrain, area vice president, Middle East; B.G.
Parker, Bahrain, vice president and operations manager, Middle
East; E.D. Shepherd, Houston, area vice president, and R.E. Hin- son, Orange, vice president and director of personnel.
Mr. Shepherd's new area of re- sponsibility includes Brazil, Trin- idad, and the Gulf of Mexico. He continues to report to L.M. Jones,
Houston, senior vice president and
Western Hemisphere manager.
Santa Fe Drilling Co. is a sub- sidiary of Santa Fe International
Another Boat Equipped With
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