AWO Elects James Potter —Industry Issues Examined At Board Meeting In Tulsa

The AWO board of directors, at their fall quarterly meeting in Tulsa, Okla., on September 13-14, elected James B. Potter Jr.

as the Association's fourth president in its 34-year history. Mr. Potter, prior to his election as AWO's chief executive, was a self-employed businessman in Leesburg, Va.

The new president comes to AWO with broad experience in association management, having served as president of the Motorcycle Industry Council, Inc., and membership participation in various Washington, D.C.-based associations. Mr. Potter also served as a twoterm member of the Los Angeles, Calif., City Council from 1963 to 1971.

A native of Buffalo, Mo., Mr. Potter graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in personnel and industrial management, following service with the U.S.

Air Force in Korea.

Board chairman Ralph W. Hooper said: "Mr. Potter's breadth of experience in association management and as an elected official will add new dimensions to the service programs of AWO as well as to its effectiveness in addressing the many complex issues now facing the industry." Other meeting highlights included a report on the "State of the Association," by board chairman Ralph W. Hooper. Shipyard Committee chairman John F. McKay made a report on membership growth, and efforts made to amend the Longshoremen's Act and the dangers of S.3060, the National Workers' Compensation Standards Act, which is modeled after the Longshoremen's Act. Mr.

McKay also expressed the hope that the Shipyard Committee would receive a planning grant from OSHA to explore the establishment of an industry-wide training program for shipyard employees.

Thomas L. Gladders, chairman of a Special Operations Task Force, made a report on his committee's preliminary recommendations with respect to proposed operational and structural modifications to the current AWO organization. Budget and Finance Committee chairman Peter J. Brix reported that the budget was generally on target and that his committee would soon begin preparations for the 1979 budget. Membership Committee chairman Harold A. Reinauer advised that recent activity in the area of membership development had produced significant results.

He said AWO's membership programs were being used effectively in most AWO Regions and appealed to the board for additional support in this area. Coast Guard Liaison Committee chairman Charles F. Lehman commented on the meeting of his committee in Arlington, Va., on August 22, 1978, and reported that five subcommittees had been established to assist in addressing the growing list of committee and industry concerns.

Corps of Engineers Liaison Committee chairman Thomas L. Gladders noted that the AWO Corps of Engineers Liaison Committee met in Jackson, Miss., on August 11, 1978, and that in his absence, vice chairman George L. Grunthaner chaired the meeting.

Of particular interest at the meeting was Section 404 (T) of the 1977 Clean Water Act, identifying separable costs and benefits in navigation projects and a three-year comprehensive study of the nation's waterways system. Legislative Committee chairman Frank T. Stegbauer reviewed the current status of legislation of interest to the Association and industry and delivered several recommendations to the board following the committee's meeting. Communications Committee chairman Lester C. Bedient reported that his committee met on the morning of September 13 and reviewed the status of AWO petitions filed with the Federal Communications Commission, efforts associated with the 1979 World Administrative Radio Conference, AWO frequency monitoring, the status of Waterway Communications System, Inc. (WATERCOM), and the communications- related aspects of the New Orleans Vessel Traffic Services.

In the absence of IMCO Committee chairman Capt. Ivan Ashby, board chairman Ralph Hooper gave a report on the International Conference on the Training and Certification of Seafarers, held in London, June 14 through July 7, 1978. Safety Committee chairman Jack S. Thornhill reported on the meeting of his committee held in St. Louis, Mo., on August 25. He said the committee considered reflective material for use * on barges, problems associated with pleasure boaters operating in close proximity to tows, and a draft of a towing safety guide. Public Affairs Committee chairman Capt. Robert Gardner reported that a slide presentation was in the final editing stage for a premier showing at the December board meeting, reviewed the outcome of the New Orleans media tour and discussed plans for an upcoming media tour in Philadelphia, Pa., reported on the speakers training seminar held in Memphis, Tenn., on September 27 and 28, and sought input from the board and members for the 1979 AWO public affairs program.

Reports on special committee activities included comments from Robert Scatterday in connection with a new office in the Department of Transportation, responsible for maritime affairs. Also, W.A. Creelman reported that a research committee is now being formed and that candidates to serve on the committee had been identified. Following reports from the regional vice chairmen, board chairman Ralph Hooper expressed the appreciation of the board to Col. Harley W. Ladd, USA (ret.), Port Director, Port of Catoosa, for hosting a tour of that port's facilities and to the Bank of Oklahoma for hosting an evening reception.

Other stories from October 15, 1978 issue


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