USCG Uses Faster, Easier Stud Welding System —Literature Available

A new teak deck, expected to reduce maintenance and improve appearance, was installed recently on the Eagle, the U.S.

Coast Guard training ship.

Three-inch-thick teak planks were secured to the steel deck by Nelson stud welding — a semi-automatic arc welding process used for fastening applications throughout the industry.

More than 14,000 threaded Nelson studs, V, inch in diameter and l1i> inches long, were welded to the Eagle with portable guns, controlled electronically. The planks, with holes pre-drilled and counterbored aboard ship, served as templates for stud locations. Watertight deck nuts were then run down on the studs. Inorganic zinc primet was applied around the studs and studs and nuts were finally covered by an epoxy sealer and wooden plugs.

Before the recent renovation on the Eagle, studs were welded by hand at the USCG yard at Curtis Bay, Baltimore, Md., whenever wood decks were replaced on icebreakers and other ships. For work on the Eagle, the Coast Guard purchased a TR- 2400 stud-welding system, along with studs and accessories, from the Nelson Stud Welding Division of TRW Inc., Lorain, Ohio.

"Stud welding is many times faster and easier than hand welding," says Lt. Comdr.

Joseph Kucinski, who was in charge of work on the Eagle. "For maximum productivity, we purchased a TR-2400 system which is powerful enough to operate two stud welding guns at the same time." For full, free literature on the Nelson Stud Welding system, Write 71 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 8,  Feb 15, 1983

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