EES Corporation Offers Brochure On 'Omnipure' Sewage Treatment Plants

EES Corporation of Sugar Land, Texas, has published a six-page brochure titled "OMNIPURE Sewage Treatment Plants," which is being offered free.

The brochure discusses the three basic categories of marine sanitation devices manufactured by EES Corporation for its Omnipure product line: the standard or commercial unit, the engineered unit, and the military unit. EES Corporation can offer a hybrid of the three categories if desired. The basic differences between them are highlighted in the brochure, along with photographs of each.

The basic theory of operation for all Omnipure systems is explained with a flow chart showing the various components.

Also included is a listing of standard unit design specifications.

Units designed by Omnipure are certified by the USCG, IMO, and the United Kingdom Department of transportation.

For further information and free copy of the brochure from EES Corporation, Circle 70 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 62,  Feb 1988

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