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Montreal, Canada, February 20-21
The Canadian Maritime Indus- tries Association's (CMIA) 41st An- nual Technical Conference will be held at Montreal's Queen Elizabeth
Hotel on February 20-21, 1989. "As a result of the resounding success of the Canadian Shipbuild- ing & Offshore Exhibition, we have decided to include CSOE '89 on the program for our 1989 conference," said CMIA president J.Y. Clarke. "This added feature has resulted in a tremendous interest in the confer- ence, the largest technical marine conference held in Canada.
CSOE'89 will be a major component of the conference."
Mr. Clarke pointed out that the technical conference's open ses- sions, which begin at 9 a.m. on Feb- ruary 21, will be presented in two adjacent rooms, the Jolliet Room and Marquette Room.
Some of the papers listed in the preliminary program include: "De- sign Development and First Experi- ence with the Bergen Diesel Type B
Medium Speed Engine," by L.M.
Nerheim, Bergen Diesel A.S.; "Diesel Engines in Naval Applica- tions," by H. Pleimling, Deutz
MWM; "Trump Noise Control," by
K. McKeever, Pratt & Whitney
Canada Inc.; and "Construction and
Project Management of Icebreaker
Oden," by B-G Renbourg, GVA
Canada, and J. Falkman and G.
Lilijestrom, GVA Sweden.
CSOE '89 will be located on the convention floor opposite the tech- nical conference rooms. CSOE'89 will help bring together many sec- tors of the marine industry, includ- ing electronics, communications, navigation and electric equipment suppliers, shipbuilders and ship re- pairers, diesel engine and propul- sion equipment manufacturers, and other marine systems, services and parts companies. Exhibition hours will be 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday,
February 20, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., on Tuesday, February 21.
Mr. Clarke noted that the 1988 technical conference and exhibition attracted well over 900 persons from across Canada and around the world, including international me- dia and government officials.
For further information about the conference and exhibition, as well as
CMIA, contact: Mrs. Joy Mac-
Pherson, secretary/treasurer, Ca- nadian Maritime Industries Asso- ciation, P.O. Box 1429, Station B,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIP 5R4; telephone: (613) 232-7127; telex: 053-4848; fax: (613) 232-2490.
Jolliet Room "Integrated Logistic Support—A Canadi- an Approach," by B. Hough. AMTEK Man- agement. "Design Development and First Experi- ence with the Bergen Diesel Type B Medium
Speed Engine," by L.M. Nerheim, Bergen
Diesel A.S. "Diesel Engines in Naval Applications," H.
Pleimling. Deutz MWM. "The Pressurized Light Water Reactor—
A Well Optimized Marine Propulsion Power
Source," by P. Gumley, F.N. McDonnell and
R. Humphries, Atomic Energy of Canada
Ltd. "Trump 1000-KW Diesel Generator," by
G. Munro, Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc. "Trump Noise Control," by K. McKeever
Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc. "Practical Applications in CADD for 3-D
Machinery Space Design and Modular Out- fitting," by D.J. Fong and P. Eng, RDS Engi- neering. "Pump Application to Ships," by C.
McNeil, Energy, Mines & Resources.
Marquette Room "The Hatchcoverless Containership—A
New Concept," by T.R. Fisher, Advance
Ship Design Pty., Ltd. "Fracture Control for Steel Marine Struc- tures." by W.R. Tyson, M. Braid and V. Sce- panovic. Energy, Mines & Resources. "Construction and Project Management of Icebreaker Oden," by B-G Renbourg, GVA
Canada, and J. Falkman and G. Lilijestrom.
GVA Sweden. "Investigation of the Seakeeping Qualities of a Canadian Forces Research Vessel," by
A.F. Aboulazm. Marine Institute. "Ship Resistance in Pack Ice," by A.F.
Aboulazm. Marine Institute, and D. Mugger- idge. Memorial University. "Propulsion Tests on the Class 4 Ice- breaker M.V. Kalvik," by P.L. Semery.
Transport Development Center. "Why Welding Certification," by D.E.H.
Reynolds and P. Eng. Canadian Welding
Bureau. "Electric Propulsion Systems—The Way of the Future," by D. Peters. General Elec- tric Canada Inc.
CSOE '89 Exhibitors
Alfa Laval
Amtek Group
British Consulate General
British High Commission
CAE Electronics
Canadian Shipbuilding & Engineering
Canadian Submarine Consortium
Canadian Welding Bureau
Charland Thermojet
Contro Valve Equipment
CSE Submarine Group
Deutsch Metal Components
Direction des Construction Navales
Dominis Engineering
ECS Electrical Cable Supply
GE Canada
GVA Canada
Hamworthy Canada
Hermont/B. Fortin
Hewitt Equipment
Hurum Marine
IMO Delaval
Indal Technologies
Institute for Marine Dynamics
International Paints (Canada)
John Crane Canada
Key Marine Industries
Krupp MaK Diesel
Leroy Somer Canada
Litton Systems Canada
MAG Agencies
Marine Institute
Marine Sales & Service
Martech Equipment
McCann Equuipment
Merlin Gerin (Canada)
MIL Group
Montreal Valve Reseating
Mount Royal/Walsh Inc.
Paramax Electronics
Patlon Industries
Quebec Ministry of Industry,
Commerce & Technology
Quebec Ministry of Regional
Industrial Expansion
RDS Engineering
Saint John Shipbuilding
Securiplex Systems
Siemens Electric
SNA Canada
Sulzer Canada
Swagelok Canada
Thomson CSF Systems
Thomson-Gordon Ltd.
Trafalgar Consortium
Wartsila Marine
Westinghouse Canada
Wilson Machine
Call For Papers For
Symposium On National
Shipbuilding Research
The National Shipbuilding Re- search Program Ship Production
Symposium, which will be held Sep- tember 13-15, 1989, at the Sheraton
National Hotel in Crystal City,
Washington, D.C., is soliciting un- classified abstracts and papers on a wide range of topics related to ad- vanced shipbuilding procedures.
The symposium provides a forum for technologists, potential users (commercial, industrial and mili- tary), and concerned others to ex- change and discuss new ideas in the field of advanced shipbuilding pro- cedures. The theme of this sympo- sium is "Advancing the Integration of Ship Design, Production and Re- pair."
Papers are being solicited which present the results of research or practices that advance the art/ science of ship design, production and repair processes. Topical areas may include: New Build Strategies for Ship Production, Innovative De- sign Methodologies, Ship Produc- tion Operations and Economics, Ap- plication of Emerging Technologies,
Shipyard Management Innovations, and any other areas that result in increased quality,improved produc- tivity or reduced cost.
Twenty-four papers are planned to be presented during the three- day symposium, which is being sponsored by the Ship Production
Committee and hosted by the Ches- apeake Section of The Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers (SNAME).
The deadline for submitting ab- stracts, which should be no more than 500 words, is February 28, 1989. Abstracts should include pa- per title, principal author, organiza- tion, address and telephone num- ber. Notice of acceptance will be issued on March 31, 1989, with final manuscript due June 15, 1989.
Abstracts should be sent to Rob- ert W. Schaffran, Head, Manu- facturing Systems Division (Code 185), David Taylor Research Cen- ter, Bethesda, Md. 20084-5000.
Shieldings To Buy
Versatile Pacific
B.C. Pacific Capital Corporation recently signed an agreement to sell its wholly owned subsidiary Versa- tile Pacific Shipyards Inc. to Shield- ings Incorporated, a private, Cana- dian-owned company headquar- tered in Toronto and Vancouver which has a number of major invest- ments in manufacturing and other business sectors throughout Cana- da.
Versatile Pacific, which is one of the largest shipbuilders and ship repairers in western Canada, oper- ates two yards, one in Vancouver and one in Victoria. The shipbuilder has an order backlog of about C$50 million, including a C$16.4-million contract to build a hydrographic survey vessel and a C$35.1-million order for the construction of two
Type 500 search and rescue vessels, and is expected to shortly sign a contract with the Canadian Govern- ment worth C$347 million to build a
Polar Class 8 icebreaker.
Shieldings is purchasing the ship- builder with the intention of arrang- ing significant industrial diversifica- tion to enhance and strengthen the future operations of Versatile Pa- cific Shipyards.
The closing of the sale and trans- fer of ownership is expected in early 1989.
For free literature detailing the shipbuilding services of Versatile
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