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MHI Begins Construction
Of Luxury Cruise Ship 'Crystal Harmony'
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries,
Ltd. (MHI) of Tokyo, Japan, re- cently held a ceremony to lay the keel for the luxury cruise ship Crys- tal Harmony at its Nagasaki Ship- yard & Machinery Works.
The 791-foot by 95-foot Crystal
Harmony will have a capacity for about 960 passengers in 480 cabins.
The 49,000-ton (G/T) cruise ship will have 12 decks.
Owner of the liner is Crystal Ship (Bahamas) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Yusen Kabu- shiki Kaisha (NYK). Crystal
Cruises Inc., based in Los Angeles, will operate the cruise ship once it is completed.
The Crystal Harmony is the sec- ond cruise ship to be built by MHI following the Fuji-Maru, which was constructed at its Kobe Shipyard &
Machinery Works and was delivered in April of this year. The Crystal
Harmony is scheduled to be launched in September 1989 and will be completed in June 1990.
For free literature giving full in- formation on the facilities and capa- bilities of Mitsubishi Heavy Indus- tries,
Circle 34 on Reader Service Card
Alexander, Starr & Kersey
Named Representatives
In New England For Baldt
Baldt, Inc. has named Alexander,
Starr & Kersey, Inc. (ASK) to be their New England representatives for the Baldt line of anchors, chain and related products and services.
Alexander, Starr & Kersey is a full service marine engineering firm providing complete analytical, oper- ational and managerial capabilities to the offshore maritime industry.
Baldt is a major manufacturer of marine products that include an- chors, chain, hardware, dockside mooring systems, tendering sys- tems, lashing and mooring systems and related services used by the oil industry, the U.S. Navy and com- mercial vessels worldwide.
For more information about
Baldt's products, services and agents,
Circle 55 on Reader Service Card
Watercom Installs
Payphones On Steamboat
The steamboat Delta Queen, owned and operated by the Delta
Queen Steamboat Co. of New Or- leans, La., was recently fitted with two Watercom payphones.
John G. Smith, vice president of marketing and sales for Watercom, stated, "All passengers and crew will now have 24-hour access to direct dial phone service, and they do not have to wait to go ashore to have it."
Mr. Smith went on to say that "All of the calls can be charged to any
Bell or AT&T Calling Card, VISA,
MasterCard, American Express, or they can call collect."
Scott Young, vice president-
Operations, spokesman for the Del- ta Queen Steamboat Co., said, "Our firm is pleased to provide its guests with the added service and conve- nience of Watercom." He added, "We can now offer our passengers the added convenience of making personal phone calls without having to leave the vessel at ports of call.
Watercom further enhances our commitment to offer the public the finest in vacation packages."
In addition to the telephone ser- vice, Watercom is also providing a new message service for both the
Mississippi Queen and her sister ship the Delta Queen. By calling a special 24-hour hotline, relatives and friends of passengers on both vessels can have a message for- warded immediately. Mr. Young anticipates that this service will be most useful in the event that a pas- senger or crew member must be immediately contacted. Watercom is a leader in the field of communi- cations for vessels on America's wa- terways, providing direct-dial tele- phone service on over 4,000 miles of waterways.
For more information and
Watercom's free brochure,
Circle 37 on Reader Service Card
Building On A Proud Tradition olonna's Shipyard, founded in 1875, is the oldest family-owned private shipyard in the United States. Today, Colonna's is a for- ward-looking full-service ship repair facility with a 17,200-ton steel drydock, three marine railways and complete shop and pier facilities.
The company's reputation is built on a long tradition of quality workmanship, on-time completions and solid business management. /^NCOLONNA'S
SHIPYARD? 400 East Indian River Road, Norfolk, VA 23523 (804) 545-2414 • Fax (804) 545-5475 • Telex 823639 DIESEL NFK
Circle 202 on Reader Service Card
June, 1989 89