Page 52: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 1992)
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VecTwin Ship Control
System Installed
On Great Lakes Tug
The VecTwin ship control system was recently installed aboard the
Great Lakes tug, Olive L. Moore.
The tug was converted for dual-mode integrated tug/barge (ITB) opera- tions. The vessel has since been put back into service in northern Lake
Michigan with the barge McKee
VecTwin ship systems provide independent movement of twin
Schilling rudders and reportedly costs less than a controllable pitch propeller and conventional rudder.
The system operates with a single joystick control which allows each rudder to be angled differently and to modulate propeller slipstream in any direction, including reverse.
The VecTwin system was also recently installed aboard the Ant- arctic research vessel, Hesperides.
For further information about the
VecTwin control system supplied by
Hamworthy Industramar,
Circle 122 on Reader Service Card
Texas, MSRC Sign
Research Agreement
The State of Texas and the Ma- rine Spill Response Corporation
U- KT3 a •y no)
The World Leading European produced in Japan.
The world-renowned Heavy Fuel
GenSets from MAN B&W Diesel,
Holeby are now available produced in Japan.
Niigata Engineering Co., one of the largest manufacturers of four- stroke engines in Japan, has entered into a manufacturing agreement with
MAN B&W Diesel, Holeby, for the production, assembling and testing of the 23 and 28 Series, with an out- put range from 500 - 4,000 kW.
MAN B&W Holeby GenSets, which are designed for HFO operation, ensures an optimal reliability in power-supply for vessels throughout the world - at unchallenged low operating and maintenance costs.
World Leader through Innovation, Quality and Service
MAN B&W Diesel A/S/0stervej 2/DK-4960 Holeby/Denmark/Telephone +45 53 90 60 26/Telecopy +45 53 90 66 76Helex: 40646 hodiel dk (MSRC) have signed a unique agree- ment that will lead to joint funding and decision-making on research in effective oil spill cleanup and coastal protection.
F. Rainer Engelhardt, vice president for research and develop- ment for MSRC, and Garry Mauro, commissioner of the Texas General
Land Office (TGLO), signed a memo- randum of understanding between the two organizations. "The State of Texas and MSRC have parallel interests in spill re- sponse research and development," said Mr. Engelhardt. "This agree- ment will enable us to work jointly on projects where our interests over- lap and will help prevent expensive duplication of effort."
Family Vacation Rebound
Expected This Summer
By Premier Cruise Lines
Because people who had forsaken vacations last year on account of the recession are packing and planning to take one this year, the official cruise line of Walt Disney World—
Premier Cruise Lines—expects to serve more than 30,000 families aboard its Big Red Boats this sum- mer.
The number of people taking fam- ily vacations is expected to rebound this year to 94 million adults, up from 86 million in 1991, because of the demand, according to a recent survey by the U.S. Travel Data Cen- ter.
And of 37 percent of respondents who said they will visit a theme park this year, half plan to visit
Walt Disney World. A part of this increasing market will be captured by Premier's Cruise and Disney
Vacation plan which includes a three- or four-day vacation at Walt
Disney World.
Premier Cruise Lines' Big Red
Boat Cruise and Disney Vacations combine a cruise to the Bahamas with a vacation at Walt Disney
World, including accommodations at a Walt Disney World resort.
Amoco Gives McDermott
Go-Ahead To Begin
Azeri Oil Field Study
McDermott International chair- man Robert Howson recently an- nounced that the company has been given the go-ahead by Amoco Corp. to begin a feasibility study that could lead to the development of the giant
Azeri oil field in the Caspian Sea off
The field is estimated by Amoco to contain reserves of more than 1.5 billion barrels of crude.
Last June, Amoco won the right to negotiate an agreement to con- duct the feasibility study. Officials from Azerbaijan were in Houston recently for talks with Amoco aimed at putting that agreement in final form. 50
Circle 227 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News