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The Radio Technical Commission
For Maritime Services
Annual Assembly Set For San Diego, May 3-6
The Radio Technical Commis-sion for Maritime Services (RTCM), the Washington, D.C.-based non-profit advi- sory organization, is preparing for its annual assembly, scheduled to be held at the Princess Hotel in San Diego from May 3-6.
Established in 1947, the RTCM event provides a unique forum for evaluation and analysis of maritime telecommunications issues where the affected user community can make responsive recommendations useful to government and industry plan- ners, both on the national and inter- national level. Major assembly ses- sions included in the 1993 program will address: — The new Global Maritime Dis- tress and Safety System (GMDSS) —Maritime Weather and Naviga- tional Warning Services — The Federal Radionavigation
Planning Process — Vessel Traffic Services for Im- proved Harbor Safety. —Electronic Chart Display System
Standards — Roundtable Workshop on Gov- ernment Legislation, Rulemaking and
Services —Satellite Services from Inmarsat andAMSC — Proposed Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) Mobile Satellite Systems —Meetings ofRTCM Special Com- mittees Dealing with Equipment and
Systems Standards.
The RTCM has a broad member- ship encompassing the whole spec- trum of vessel operations, maritime equipment manufacturers, providers of maritime services and Federal Gov- ernment agencies.
The Annual Assembly provides a mechanism for expressing views, rec- ommending changes in policy, propos- ing improvements in present systems, and proposing establishment of new systems.
Identification of user needs is par- ticularly valuable to manufacturers, service organizations and government planning authorities.
The schedule of seminars (which is delivered in its entirety following this article) is filled with information- packed seminars presented by some of the foremost authorities and suppli- ers in the field.
For example, Robert C. Johnson of Racal Marine Electronics Ltd.,
England, is scheduled to discuss "Bridge Integrated Systems Result in
Safer Navigation," and a group of four speakers from Scandinavian countries, including Ture Opoien of Norwe- gian Telecom andBendt Wedervang of Telecom Denmark, are to speak on
April, 1993 "Implementation and Use of the Digi- tal Selective Calling System in the
Nordic Countries."
Both of these sessions are sched- uled for SESSION III, on Monday,
May 3, at 3:20 p.m.
On Tuesday, May 4, SESSION V starts at 10:30 a.m. is moderated by
Captain James L. Fear, USCG (Ret), of INMARSAT, and features the fol- lowing topics and speakers: "Mobile
Link - COMSAT's New Digital Voice
Service," Chris J. Leber, COMSAT
Mobile Comm.; "INMARSAT-B: Ad- vanced Capabilities for Demanding
Requirements," Gerald A. Gutman,
ViaSat Technology; and "An Update
On AMSC's Domestic Mobile Satellite
Service,"Lynn Anne Miller, Mobile
Satellite Corp.
On Wednesday, May 5, Frank
Cassidy ofDatamarine International is scheduled to speak during SES-
SIONXIII, at 3:20 p.m., on "An RTCM
Standard for Electronic Chart Sys- tems (ECS) - Category 3, Supplement- ing the Paper Chart."
Because of its length, it is impos- sible to provide full details on every topic and speaker. For more informa- tion, contact Katy Ackland, RTCM
Assembly Publicity Chairperson, tel: (202) 863-6097; fax: (202) 488-3814; or write to her in care of COMSAT Mo- bile Communications, 950 L'Enfant
Plaza,S.W., Washington,D.C. 20024.
Monday, May 3 8 a.m.—Registration Desk Open 9-10 a.m.—Annual Business Meeting 10:15 a.m. - Opening Address, Rear
Admiral M.E. Gilbert, USCG 10:30-11:40 a.m.—SESSION I: Mod-
The following is a synopsis of the exhibitors for the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime
Services. For additional information circle the Reader Service Card number on the reader service card in this issue.
Alden Electronics
Alden will display its three GMDSS products, as well as its Marinefax weather recorders. 76
American Mobile Satellite
Will showcase its enhanced Standard-C- based fleet management system. 85
Comsat Maritime Services Comsat provides satellitecommunicatlonstoships at sea virtually anywhere 79
Furuno U.S.A. Will displ ay someof its latest equipment, includingGMDSS,ARPA,navigation aids and marine radar. 80
Hoppecke Battery Systems Manufacturer of high rate, environ mentally friendly Lithium Manganese Dioxide cells and batteries. 90
Mackay Communications Mackaywilllntroducenewradarproductsandtransportablemarine
InmarsatBand Mmodels. 75
Magnavox Electronic Systems Will display satellltecommunlcationanddifferentidlGPS navigation equipment. 78
Mobile Telesystems On display is MTI'sMDT-6000lnmarsat-C/GPS,and MVT-648001nmarsat-M. 77
Offshore Systems Intl. IMO-compliantECDIS. EC PINS presents accurateshlp'sposition with radar imagesand ARPA targets, plus unique *anti-groundlng"feature. 89
Radio-Holland A leader in maritime communication, navigation equipment and engine room automation.acompletesales and service con ceptis offered, 84
Raytheon Marine Co. Manufactures and distributesacompletelineof marine electronics equipment for vessels of all kinds. 87
Raytheon Service Co Demonstration of Raytheon ServiceCo.'scommitmenttoservice.Equlpmentto be displayed. 88
Sperry Marine Will show its electronic navigation, communication, management and control systemsformarineindustry. 83
Trimble Navigation ManufacturesGPS navigation receivers andlnmarsat-C/GPS conforming to GMDSSrequirements. 86
ViaSat Technology Will display LYNXXTransportable Inmarsat-B Earth Station, and PSAT Ku & C-band "Fly Away" Earth Stations. 82 111