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erator, Robert C. Landis, U.S.
Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, National
Weather Service
D Ship Weather Observations and the Forecast Process — The
Unlauded Critical Input. 2) What National Weather Ser- vice Modernization Means for the
Mariner. 3) Bunker Economy Through
Weather Routing. 11:40 a.m.-l:30 p.m. — Lunch 1:30-3:00p.m.—SESSION II: Panel
Discussion — International Global
Maritime Distress and Safety Sys- tem (GMDSS) Implementation
Moderators: George R. Dillon,
U.S. Federal Communications Com- mission (FCC), and Captain Dana
W. Starkweather, USCG. Panel- ists: Robert L. Markle, USCG;
Frank Coperich, U.S. FCC; M.P.
Fox, Comite International Radio
Maritime (CIRM); and P.F.C.
Griffiths, International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). 1) GMDSS Operator Training and
Qualifications. 2) International and National
GMDSS Equipment Standards and
Type Approval Procedures. 3:20-4:30 p.m. — SESSION III:
Moderator, M.P. Fox, CIRM, En- gland 1) International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) - Technical Com- mittee 80. Review of IEC Publica-
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Instruments. General Require- ments, Methods of Testing and Re- quired Test Results. 2) Bridge Integrated Systems Re- sult in Safer Navigation. 3) Implementation and use of the
Digital Selective Calling System in the Nordic Countries. 4:30 p.m. — Exhibit Suites Open
Tuesday, May 4 9-10:10 a.m. — SESSION IV: Mod- erator, Martin W. Bercovici, Keller and Heckman. 1) A Solution to SART Universal
Installation on Liferafts and Long
Range Performance. 2) Geostationary Systems for 406
MHz Distress Beacons. 3) Overview of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Developments. 10:30-11:45 a.m. — SESSION V:
Moderator, Captain James L. Fear,
USCG (Ret), INMARSAT, England. 1) Mobile Link - Comsat's New
Digital Voice Service. 2) Inmarsat-B: Advanced Capa- bilities For Demanding Require- ments. 3) An Update on AMSC's Domes- tic Mobile Satellite Service. 11:45 a.m. — Lunch 1:30-2:45 p.m.—SESSION VI: Mod- erator, L.R. Raish, Fletcher, Her- ald and Hildreth. 1) Communications Integration and Optimization. 2) Hurricane Andrew/Super Ty- phoon Omar: Impact on U.S. Coast
Guard GMDSS Implementation. 3) Implementation of Global Mari- time Distress and Safety System on
Russian Ships and Recommenda- tions for System Compatibility Im- provement. 3-4:30 p.m. — SESSION VII: Mod- erator, Lieutenant Commander An- drew C. Fuller, RNR, chairman,
International Maritime Organiza- tion (IMO) Working Group on Pro- mulgation of Maritime Safety Infor- mation. 1) The World Meteorological Or- ganization Plans for Promulgation of Weather Forecasts and Warnings to Shipping through the SafetyNET
System to meet the Requirements of the global Maritime Distress and
Safety System (GMDSS). 2) Promulgation of Navigational
Warnings Under the GMDSS. 3) Saving Lives with Safety Sys- tems.
Wednesday, May 5 9-10:30 a.m.—SESSION VIII: Mod- erator, Commander G. Thomas
Gunther, USCG, U.S. DOT. 1) The 1992 Federal
Radionavigation Plan - Its Impact on the Marine Users. 2) Centralization of
Radionavigation and Operations. 3) Marine DGPS Requirements and Expected Coverage. 4) Matters of Combined Use of the GLONASS/GPS Systems.
Circle 276 on Reader Service Card 76 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News