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10:50 a.m.-12 pan. — SESSION IX:
Radionavigation Roundtable Work- shop. Moderators: Heywood
Shirer, U.S. DOT, Research and
Special Programs Administration;
Captain Leo J. Black, USCG; Cap- tain John F. Weseman, USCG;
Dave Olsen, U.S. Federal Aviation
Administration; and Major W.
Fauver, USAF, U.S. Space Com- mand.
Session will cover: policy changes in 1992 U.S. Federal
Radionavigation Plan (FRP); impact of the 1992 FRP changes on users and manufacturers; do your radionavigation requirements match the U.S. government's policy?; what is Global Navigation Satellite
System (GNSS) and how will it af- fect marine users of radionavigation?; and more. 12 p.m. — Lunch * NOTE: During this time, some sessions meet simultaneously. 2-4:30 p.m. — SESSION X: Meet- ing of the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Technical Committee 80 (TC80)
Working Group 4A on GPS Receiver
Standards (Continued on Thursday). — SESSION XI: Meeting of RTCM
Special Committee 113 on Standards for the Search and Rescue Tran- sponder (SART). 2-3 p.m. — SESSION XII: Modera- tor, Captain Michael Mierzwa,
USCG 1) Design and Implementation of an Automated dependent Surveil- lance System for Vessel Traffic Ser- vice Prince William Sound. 2) Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and Voice Radio Communications. 3) Advances in Information Tech- nology for Vessel Traffic Services. 3:20-4:30 p.m. — SESSION XIII:
Moderator, Oyvind Stene, Norwe- gian Mapping Authority. 1) Status of the ECDIS Provi- sional Standards and Availability of a Worldwide Electronic Database. 2) The U.S. ECDIS Test Pro- gram. 3) An RTCM Standard for Elec- tronic Chart Systems (ECS) - Cat- egory 3, Supplementing the Paper
Thursday, May 6 * NOTE: During this time, some sessions meet simultaneously. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. — Shipboard Elec- tronic Chart Demonstrations. All assembly Meeting Registrants are invited to attend scheduled tours of shipboard electronic chart demon- strations sponsored by the U.S. Coast
Guard. Equipment will include both an IMO compliant ECDIS and an
ECS/RTCM Category 3 System. 9 a.m.-12 p.m. — SESSION XIV:
Meeting of the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Technical Committe 80 (TC80)
April, 1993
Working Group 4A on GPS Receiver
Standards (Meeting continued from
Wednesday). 9 a.m.-12 p.m. — SESSION XV:
Roundtable Workshop: Government
Legislation, Rulemaking and Ser- vices. Moderators: George R.
Dillon, U.S. FCC; Joseph D.
Hersey and Robert L. Markle,
U.S. Coast Guard; and Robert W.
Jacobson, Jr., U.S. Department of
Commerce, NOAA, National
Weather Service. Topics and ques- tions planned for discussion include:
Reorganization at the FCC;
Rechanneling the VHF Maritime
Band; Do current maritime rules hamper growth and technological innovation?; Is there a need to re- duce regulatory burdens and im- prove spectrum efficiency in the maritime services?; and, How should dissemination of maritime safety information (MSI) be improved? 12-1:30 p.m. — Lunch 1:30-5:30 p.m. — Meeting of RTCM
Special Committee 101 on Digital
Selective Calling (Meeting contin- ues on Friday). 1:30-5:30 p.m. — Meeting of RTCM
Special Committee 104 on Differen- tial Navstar/GPS Service (Meeting continues on Friday). 1:30-5:30 p.m. — Meeting of RTCM
Special Committee 110 on Emer- gency Position-Indicating
Radiobeacons (EPIRBs). •n / / • 11 •
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