Page 37: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1994)
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I 2:25 p.m. "The German Pro- posal — Fast Monohulls & Large
SES for Specific Applications"
Heinz Topel, Blohm + Voss, Ham- burg 2:50 p.m. "The Italian Pro- posal — Future Ship Design Con- cepts for World Trade" Dir.-Ing. G.
Arena, Fincantieri, Italy 3:15 p.m. "The Scandinavian
Proposal — Ship Design & Cargo
Handling for Short Sea Shipping"
Kai Levander, Kvaerner Masa-
Yards 3:40 p.m. "The Spanish Pro- posal — New RoRo Ship Design for
Faster Port Turnaround in Unit- ized Short-Sea Trades" Juan
Calvo, AESA, Madrid 5 p.m. Presentation of the results of universities' competition on Futuristic Ship Concepts
Thursday, September 29
From Sea Chart to a Hydrographi- cal Information System — Data
Processing, Evaluation and Presen- tation 9 a.m. Welcome — Dr.-Ing. Heinz
Giszas, Strom und Hafenbau,
Hamburg. Chairman: Horst
Hecht, Bundesamt fur
Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie,
Hamburg 9:30 a.m. "Hydrographie &
Geographic Information Systems for Ships - Requirements and De- velopment Trends" — Dipl. Ing.
Hubertus Wentzell, Atlas
Elektronik, Bremen 10 a.m. "Geographical Data
Bank as Central Unit for a
Hydrographical Information Sys- tem" — Dr. Matthaus Schilcher,
Siemens Nixdorf, Munchen 11 a.m. "Data Acquisition &
Evaluation Procedures for a
Hydrographical Information Sys- tem" — Dipl.-Ing. H. Jorg Geerke,
Hamburg Port Consult, Hamburg 11:30 a.m. "Main Marine In- formation Sources, Relevant for
Planning" — Prof. Peter Andree,
Polytechnic, Hamburg 12:00 noon "Ships for Special
Survey of Waterways" — Dipl.-Ing.
Siebeneicher, Wasser-und Schif- fahrtsdirektion Nord, Hamburg 1:30 p.m. "HYDROCAD - A
Hydrographical Information Sys- tem for the Port of Hamburg" —
Dipl. -Ing. Dieter Seefeldt & Dipl.-
Ing. Kai Wessel, Amt fur Strom - und Hafenbau, Hamburg 2 p.m. "Hydrographical
Survey in Finnish Skerries" — J.
Nuoteva, Hydrographical Service,
Finland 3 p.m. "Hydrographie Survey for
Harbor Maintenance & Support
Shipping" — A.C. Noordijk, Port of Rotterdam-Hydrographic Dept. 3:30 p.m. "Electronic Sea
Chart (ECDIS) — A Realtime Navi- gation & Information System" —
Dipl.-Ing. Horst Hecht, Leitender
Regierungsdirektor, Bundesamt fur
Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie,
For additional information on SMM '94, contact: tel: +4940 35690; fax: +4940 3569 2180.
Norwegian Stand At SMM
To Feature 39 Companies
Thirty-nine Norwegian maritime companies will participate in the
Norwegian pavilion "Norway, Your
Maritime Partner" at SMM '94.
Organized by the Norwegian Trade
Council, Norway's stand will fea- ture elements of the old Hanseatic city of Bergen to illustrate the his- toric commercial links between
Hamburg and Norway's second larg- est city.
The Norwegian pavilion will fo- cus on such themes as safety, ma- rine environmental protection and quality management.
Norway will also be heavily in- volved in the Sea 2000 conference, which will cover themes such as "Short Sea Shipping" and the chal- lenges it presents to European poli- tics and the maritime industries.
September, 1994 _LyVVIL_yl U! ! IV
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