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Annual World Yearbook

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60 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News tufstuf ideasr esear ch tufstuf kno wledgeinno vation tufstuf skillsexperience tufstuf qualitycommitment tufstuf solutionsuccess tufstuf TUF-STUF...helping restore harmony to the ocean IN SEARCH OF SILENCE  AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz0123456789 TUF-STUF s innovative approach to cost-effective noise management Any coating on a ship structure influences the acoustical quality of that structure.  History tells us that considerable time, effort and resources have been spent attempting to attain an acoustical advantage in noise control using cladding, decoupling and damping technologies. In conjunction with NCE, we continue to research and enhance the capabilities of TUF-STUF to mitigate vibration and radiated noise from hull structures. Recent test findings confirm that , , TUF-STUF significantly reduces the ability of a marine structure to radiate noise and demonstrates outstanding acoustic cladding and decoupling qualities. As a company, we are committed to developing TUF-STUF into a cost-effective and superior alternative to today s conventional products and technologies. Sounds too good to be true ? Why not give us an opportunity to show you why WE believe so much in TUF-STUF ? To learn more about TUF-STUF, please contact SAM JUDGE - (713) 882-5800 our innovative spray-applied solution TUF-STUF " spray-applied at any thickness " at any angle " on most substrates " an affordable coating alternative " TUF-STUF Tuf Stuf COATING M RINE A SO U IO S LT N 7119 VILLAGE WAY " HOUSTON " TX " 77087 Voice (713) 454-0900 " Fax (713) 645-8810 NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING, INC 799 Middlesex Turnpike Billerica, MA 01821 phone: 978 - 670 - 5339 fax: 978 - 667 - 7047 email: web: We believe that TUF-STUF can play an integral role in future shipbuilding practices  2ND INTERNATIONAL SHIP NOISE & VIBRATION CONFERENCE 2006 Find out more about TUF-STUF and NCE at the 28-29 June 2006 LONDON, England

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MR JUNE2006 #8 (57-64).qxd 6/1/2006 1:35 PM Page 60

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.