Page 46: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 2012)
Cruise Shipping Annual
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TECHNICALMARINE ELECTRONICSAlewijnse Delivers IBS toBodewes 762Alewijnse Marine Systems has fulfilled the order for the delivery of a complete Raytheon Anschütz bridge system to Bodewes Shipyards hull number 762. The order was given to Alewijnse after Bodewes Shipyards B.V. together with vessel owner Nescos Shipping B.V. Alewijnse delivered a complete bridge system with X&S band radar, dual ECDIS, autopilot and gyrocompass, allfrom the Raytheon Anschütz brand. The outfit of the vessel was completed with essential equipment including VDR, Alewijnse AIS and Thrane GMDSS. Watch Alarm Systems from SAM Electronics SAM Electronics, an L-3 company, launched a new series of Bridge Naviga- tional Watch Alarm Systems (BNWAS) designed for simple installation aboardboth new and existing vessels of any type or size in accordance with IMO carriageregulations due to become effective from this July onwards. The alarm and monitoring series en-sures enhanced safe vessel operation via continuous surveillance of bridge activi- ties, including detecting any operator malfunctions that could lead to accidents.Alerts can be automatically relayed to theship?s captain and other watch personnel with the alarm system and all backup callfunctions and timer settings controlledand handled from the bridge console?s centralized alarm panel.Systems also meet latest IEC 62616performance standards and are optionallyavailable either as stand-alone units or for integration as part of the NACOS Plat- inum range of all-purpose integrated bridge management assemblies.www.sam-electronics.de Email: [email protected] TFT MonitorsBaytek Industriesysteme GmbH is of-fering a new maritime BQM monitor with a fully enclosed housing for outdoorareas. For indoor areas, the BPM moni- tor with ECDIS and radar certification is also available. To deal with problems inherent to mar- itime use, the solution developed by Baytek for this purpose is the so-calledbonded display. The 3mm thick and non- reflecting mineral glass bezel is bondeddirectly to the surface of the TFT display using an optical adhesive and a lamina- tion process. This process ensures that there is no longer any air between the dis- play and the glass bezel. This additional effort can reduce optical aberrations and reflections to as little as 0.2%. As a re- sult, the Baytek maritime monitors pro-vide the viewer with a detailed high-contrast image, even in very chal- lenging and bright ambient light condi-tions. As a result, these monitors are fully readable in direct sunlight withoutincreasing the power requirements. Portable Liquid-levelGauge for Fuel Tanks Mitsui O.S.K.Lines and MusashinoCo., have jointly de- veloped what the companies call theworld?s first portable liquid-level gauge for vessel fuel tanks, which is designed toreduce workload needed to measure a ship?s fuel level during bunkering and en- ables more accurate measurement. With this new liquid-level gauge, the pressure sensor, which is suspended into the fuel tank, senses changes in liquid-level pres- sure and detects the fuel level in the tank quickly and accurately. StratosMAX II and GoMaxWifi Café Service StratosMAX II is a next-generation broadband wireless solution for remotecommunication needs, backed by a mi- crowave network infrastructure covering the entire Gulf of Mexico. StratosMAX leverages emerging WiMAX technology (based on 802.16 standards, still underdevelopment) to create a wide area net- work for long range offshore communi- cations. Delta Wave Communications was chosen as a supplier and certified in- stallation partner for the Fixed and No- madic service. E-mail [email protected] http://www.deltawavecomm.com Current At Sea: A Paperless NavCom Solution Consilium and Orange Business Serviceslaunched a paperless navigation solutionthat extends an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) over whatis touted to be the world?s largest MPLS- based network. It is designed as a bundled,flat-rate solution named Current At Sea en- ables shipping companies to move to afully electronic platform for navigation and communications. The Current At Sea ECDIS and communi- cation system can include voyage opti-mization programs, fleet and ship management systems, and real-time monitoring applications. Orange is bridging the ship and shore by integrating ECDIS with Orange?s fully managed network (both terrestrial and satellite, including Inmarsat FleetBroadband connectivity). All merchant vessels will be required to use an ECDIS in compliance with International Maritime Or- ganization (IMO) regulations. The bundled solution from Consilium and Orange provides a way to meet this requirement. The companies are claiming that a fuel savings of between 4 to 8 percent is possible when voyage optimization programs are integrated into the solution. In addition, Orange?s MPLS-based network allows ships to bypass the public Internet when access- ing corporate systems and connect using a much more secure, real-time connection to business- critical applications. Ship personnel can employ the full scope of the applications regardless of location, all at a flat fee; and because the connection is continuous, system maintenance can bedone remotely while the ship is at sea. www.orange-business.com/maritime www.consilium.se 46Maritime Reporter & Engineering News Westfalia Aboard Celebrity SilhouetteCelebrity Silhouette, the latest additionof Celebrity Cruises, was christened in Hamburg last year. The ship features the latest fuel and lubricating oil pro-cessing and sludge treatment facilities of GEA Westfalia Separator Group. The 122,000 GRT, the Celebrity Sil- houette was built at the Meyer yard in Papenburg. To ensure reliable fuel sup- ply to the drive systems, a Westfalia Separator centripack with four OSD60 separators was installed. An in- stalled Westfalia Separator Visco- BoosterUnit is designed to provide optimum adjustment of the viscosity, temperature and pressure of the engineoil to the requirements of the manu-facturer. The trend towards using high- viscosity fuel and lubricating oilsmeans that the volume of sludge is in- creasing. http://us.westfalia-separator.com AVEVA Surface Manager AVEVA released a new product in its AVEVA Marine portfolio; AVEVA Surface Manager 12.1, which allows the transfer of surfaces to and from ex- ternal systems, by the use of neutralstandards offering greater flexibility and increased design quality. Features of AVEVA Surface Manager include the import of surfaces from various formats for use in AVEVA Ma- rine and graphically displaying theshape of the geometry. It supports the most commonly used formats: IGES,SAT, DML and STEP AP 203 for the import and export of surfaces. In addi- tion, AVEVA Surface Manager also enables the extraction of surfaces from existing AVEVA Marine projects for conversion into external formats for use in third-party software. The new product also offers tools for quality as- sessment of the managed surface and, if needed, can repair defects detectedin surfaces transferred from third-party applications in order to be successfullyused in the AVEVA Marine applica- tions. www.aveva.com MR Feb.12 # 5 (42-48):MR Template 2/7/2012 10:12 AM Page 46