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The Offshore Annual
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for abrasion control. Saturn 12 will come experienced by the crane. This is in com- tric driven double drum tow winch on a ern part of the Norwegian North Sea. with about a 5 percent increase in price, plete contrast to the situation with wire new 110 x 40-ft. tractor tug for Vessel Each of the BOP cranes to be delivered but, says Edwards, the change is worth rope, where the ever increasing weight Chartering LLC, a wholly owned divi- from Pal? nger Dreggen will have the it. Actually, Saturn 12 has been around of wire paid out limits the load permis- sion of Baydelta Navigation Ltd. The capacity to lift 2 x 20 tons. In addition, since 2010 when it was introduced to the sible in relation to depth.” tugboat is designed by Jensen Maritime, the cranes are equipped with an auxiliary markets and by 2013 it had been intro- The new crane will be introduced to and to be built at JT Marine Shipyard. hoist with SWL 5 tons for smaller lifts. duced to inland rivers in the U.S. Saturn the market as a 150T fully heave-com- Driven by a single 100 hp motor, the The delivery includes complete new 12 is commonly used for river pushboat pensated knuckle boom crane with capa- winch can pull over 75 tons and uses trolleys with hoisting machineries, new facing and wing wires and for electric bility of reaching 4,000 meters of water pneumatic cylinders in place of hydrau- modern control systems for the cranes winch wires. Unof? cially, U.S. Navy depth, but the offering will be extended lics, keeping ? uid off of the deck. The and radio remote systems to make the testing is said to be currently yielding a to the complete range of MacGregor brakes offer a force of 250 tons on the operation of the cranes easy and ? exible. 15 to 20 percent increase in lifespan for subsea crane ? eet. The MacGregor ? - barrel layer. The main drum can store Engineering, project management and the orange Saturn 12 brand. ber rope technology is also suitable for 2,500 ft. of 2.5-in. steel wire, and the procurement will mainly be performed retro? t on existing subsea cranes. This storage drum can store 2,200 ft. of 2.25- in Bergen and the production will take
New Fiber-Rope Crane enables upgrading the capabilities of ex- in. steel wire. Both drums are equipped place at Pal? nger Dreggen’s own factory
The new ? ber-rope crane has been isting construction vessel ? eet without with level winds, and can spool 90-ft. of in Poland. The installation and commis- developed by combining MacGregor’s having to build new vessels, an impor- 3-in. chain on top of the steel wire. An- sioning of the cranes will start end of offshore crane technology with the ? ber- tant feature to meet the requirement for other feature is an electric ‘come home’ 2016 and continue until summer 2017.
rope tensioning technology by Parkburn reducing the cost level of the industry. drive, which will serve as a back up to
Precision Handling Systems. The new the main drive train. The winch’s main Techcrane Drives Ahead
MacGregor crane features a simple-to- Baydelta Chooses Electric Tow Winch control station will be situated in the Techcrane developed and implored operate ? ber-rope lifting system that em- Rapp Marine has been delivering elec- wheel house, with secondary controls what it calls best “Tech” for telescopic ploys Parkburn’s tensioning technology. tric winches to commercial vessels in located on the winch. The main control cranes in the marine industry. Its incep-
The Parkburn equipment eliminates the other industries such as research, oil & station will employ Rapp Marine’s Pen- tion can be traced back to the foundation heating and degradation problems asso- gas, and ? sheries for years. Rapp Marine tagon Tow Control System, that provides that Techcrane was built upon. Using ciated with on-load ? ber ropes stored on has now developed a unique, fully elec- more ef? cient and safer operations for the same concept as the rack and pin- winch drums. It can accommodate non- towing vessels. The Pentagon System ion system commonly used on Jack-Up uniformities resulting from splices in the features a touch screen with tension and Rigs, Barges, and Lift Boats for decades, rope. wire length readouts, auto-tension capa- Techcrane’s rack and pinion drive sys- “This is an important advance for han- bility, and automated haul-in and pay- tem has evolved the marine crane indus- dling loads at depth,” said Baard Tron- out settings. try to a more environmentally friendly dahl Alsaker, MacGregor’s Vice Presi- and ef? cient level. Unlike Jack-Up rigs, dent, R&D and Technology. “The great BOP Cranes for Statoil the utilization factor in the gearboxes advantage of ? ber rope in this context is Statoil awarded Pal? nger Dreggen a used to the propel the inner boom is that it weighs virtually nothing in water, contract for the complete rebuild and minimal. The need for repair of the gear- so regardless of the length of rope paid upgrade of six blowout preventer (BOP) boxes, therefore, has shown to be almost out, it does not add anything to the load cranes for the Gullfaks ? eld in the north- non-existent. (Image: Rapp Marine)
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