J Ann

  • "It's not that unusual; everyone has to make a living," says Lee Ann Tyler, the first female officer ever to serve aboard one of the Army Engineers' seagoing dredges, the Comber, working out of the Philadelphia District.

    Lee Ann works the day shift from 8 a.m. through 4 p.m. for 10 days and then has four days off, as do all hopper dredge assistants.

    Separate facilities have been provided for her. Otherwise, Lee Ann says she is just "one of the guys." The experience of working on a dredge is like every experience. It's a learning process.

    Hired for the summer as a hopper dredge assistant aboard the Comber, which was built in 1947 and is responsible for maintaining the Delaware River channel at its authorized depth of 40 feet, Lee Ann performs the same tasks as her male counterparts — deck work, some navigation and assisting the dragtender, quartermaster and deckhands.

    Twenty years old and a native of Long Island, N.Y., Lee Ann is not taken by surprise by the marine life; one of her first interests was sailing. This fall, Lee Ann will be a senior at the New York Maritime College, where she is studying marine transportation, with economics as her major. Lee Ann is uncertain of her exact career plans, but hopes to eventually get her master's license.

    Being the only female on the dredge comes as no shock since her school is mostly male. Lee Ann is accustomed to adjusting to being surrounded by males. She feels that being a female in this type of job is nothing spectacular.

    Her interests happen to lie in what is presently a maledominated field.

    When asked how she feels about being waited on by a male at dinner, Lee Ann responded, "I put in my day's work as a hopper dredge assistant, and that's how he puts in his day's work."

  • Ann, Marco had built three 135-foot boats for Alaska F r o n t i e r Company (AFCO) of Edmonds, Wash. Their most recent vessel, the Frontier Explorer, joined the fleet in July. Although essentially the same design as the AFCO vessels, the Lilli Ann features a different arrangement plan and a refrigerated

  • . S.G. Stiansen and Ralph H. Bertz. The second paper dealt with "Procedures for Diesel Exhaust Energy Actualization Aboard Great Lakes Bulk Carriers," by John B. Woodward III. The last paper, which created a great deal of interest, was a presentation by U.S. Coast Guard Capt. J.A. Wilson and Comdr. C

  • 19 years advocating for the inland waterways system, specifically for the Port of Pittsburgh District, Bucci weighs in on some of the top issues and key projects underway at one of the nation’s busiest inland ports.Please describe the Port of Pittsburgh Commission’s role in supporting waterway commerce, and

  • The M/V Karen Ann (shown above), largest towboat in the fleet of the Corpus Christi Marine Services Company, was christened recently by Karen Ann Mc- Carthy, daughter of CCMS board chairman Dennis W. McCarthy. The towboat, which will be one of the largest operating in intracoastal waterways, was

  • boat program and delivered to their owner within 21 days of contract signing. They are working out of Intracoastal City, La., and Freeport, Texas. Jim Mello, president of Command Marine said, "Both of our customers have commented favorably on the performance of these vessels as compared to other

  • 13,000 gallons of marine lubricants stored in 440-gallon aluminum bulk bins and 55-gallon drums carried on deck. The vessel was sponsored by Mrs. Tom Jankovich Sr., mother of Tom Jankovich Jr., San Pedro Marine owner, and was named after the owner's daughter. It was launched with slings sus- pended

  • air conditioned, the Annabel Lee has an overall length of 108 feet, beam of 34 feet and draft of 3 feet 9 inches. She operates regularly on the James River, making 12 scheduled cruises per week, as well as special charters. The enclosed decks of the Annabel Lee are accentuated by large arched

  • are removed. With an ATB, an hour inbound or outbound from harbors can be shaved off a trip. ATBs run between the West Coast and Alaska. In fact, they run just about anywhere. “They operate transocean, for instance from the U.S. West Coast to islands in the Pacific,” Hill said. “They run from the Mississippi

  • October the President and his Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force – including Port Envoy (and former Deputy Secretary of Transportation) John Porcari – met with representatives from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) to

  • gathered in Sturgeon Bay, Wis., recently to witness the christening and delivery' of the tuna seiner Captain Frank Medina, built for Capt. and Mrs. Joe Medina Jr. of San Diego; and the launching of the Jane for Venatun, S.A. of Caracas, Venezuela. Sponsor of the Captain Frank Medina was Miss Deborah

  • , members; "Presenting New Regulatory Requirements for Improved Steering Gear," by Edwin A. Rosson, Sperry Marine Systems, a guest, and "Fillet Weld Joint Penetration of A W S - E 7 0 2 4 Electrode in Mild Steel," by Allen R. Dujenski, U.S. Coast Guard, a member. During the afternoon, many members

  • MN Aug-24#8  grant awards  Strengthening Project of the A.W. HENDRY drydock)
    August 2024 - Marine News page: 8

    Maritime Admin- Florida region. It will receive $997,678 for its Dry-Dock istration (MARAD) announced $8.75 million in grant awards Strengthening Project of the A.W. HENDRY drydock to to 15 small shipyards in 12 states through the Small Shipyard increase lift capacity and serviceability. Grant Program

  • MT Jan-24#25 , the  payload or not. If we just take payload capability)
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 25

    . platform is particularly open in that you can deliver it with a So Boeing started developing what it called Echo Voyager, the payload or not. If we just take payload capability alone, there’s ? rst XLUUV class of vehicle, back in 2012-2013, putting it to an ICD (Interface Control Document) that

  • MT Jan-24#24  lighting
safe and quickly with a JW Fishers 
commercial grade)
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 24

    in uncrewed - Highly Portable A Vehicle Used to Search - Commercial grade all Environments... - High power LED lighting safe and quickly with a JW Fishers commercial grade ROV - 1,000’ depth capability - (4) high output motors - Pan & tilt front AND rear cameras come standard - Starting at $20

  • MT Jan-24#4  invite, my ? rst thought was 
© Jason Adelaars MBARI 2023
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 4

    Naval Operations, Admiral Gary A Roughead, for “a discussion on unmanned underwater systems.” When I ? rst received the invite, my ? rst thought was © Jason Adelaars MBARI 2023 www.marinetechnologynews.com “how did I get on this list.” But that dinner NEW YORK was truly transcendent in multiple ways

  • MT Jan-24#2 January/February 2024 On the Cover
Volume 67 • Number)
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 2

    January/February 2024 On the Cover Volume 67 • Number 1 The Orca XLUUV delivered by Boeing to U.S. Navy Image courtesy Boeing 8 AUVs 22 The Rise to Combat Silent, mobile and deadly, the subsea drone wars arrive. By David Strachan 14 Research Paving the Way NOC charts a path in science research

  • MR Nov-23#53  boats. Their 
other son-in-law joined as head of procurement)
    November 2023 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 53

    Uni- versity taking up her fellowship on dermatology pediatrics, and her husband is running the snack bars on all boats. Their other son-in-law joined as head of procurement, taking care of that “big money, big budget area, helping to bring down costs and make operations ef? cient.” Then they

  • MR Nov-23#52  to 2030, that 60 ships [projected growth] is not enough)
    November 2023 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 52

    as agriculture products plus ? sh, pork and chicken. But them, for example, starting in the Philippines, earning the looking to 2030, that 60 ships [projected growth] is not enough. international dollars for 10 years or so, but then eventually We have government of? cials coming to our of? ce, asking

  • MR Nov-23#51  always like to think that it)
    November 2023 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 51

    cally, a vision not shared by the Philippine government. does not help the domestic market. “Even if we are the man- “I always like to think that it's just not the ship alone in this ning capital of the world, we are ? ghting the global market business, it's ships, ports and people,” said Mary Ann

  • MR Nov-23#50  Pastrana, “and we connect the major  expanding soon thereafter)
    November 2023 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 50

    made up of 7,641 islands. “We're trana bought a ? eet of tugs and barges to carry bagged cargo, divided by water,” said Pastrana, “and we connect the major expanding soon thereafter with seven secondhand RoRo ship. routes via the so-called ‘Nautical Highway’ on the Central, “Our start was connecting

  • MN Oct-23#31  to the day that we 
have not just a groundbreaking, but)
    October 2023 - Marine News page: 31

    Montgomery Locks and Dam on upper Ohio River Michel Sauret / USACE “We look forward to the day that we have not just a groundbreaking, but a ribbon cutting when we’ll be able to achieve the full bene? ts of this system,” Stephaich said. Mary Ann Bucci, executive direc- tor at the Port of Pittsburgh

  • MN Oct-23#30  noted that it’s crucial the project be funded to  portation)
    October 2023 - Marine News page: 30

    Waterways pool, which would shut down navigation,” he said. Peter Stephaich, chairman and CEO at Campbell Trans- Hettel noted that it’s crucial the project be funded to portation Company, Inc., said his company is probably the completion and that the Corps be able to stay on schedule largest user of

  • MR Sep-23#14 Eye on Design 
Not More Data, More Physics: 
How to Use AI)
    September 2023 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 14

    Eye on Design Not More Data, More Physics: How to Use AI To Advance Engineering Analysis By Kyle E. Marlantes he goal of engineering analysis is to thing, we tend to like our own creation the most, and both use models of the real world sides have unique advantages and disadvantages. to simulate and

  • MN Aug-23#8  Services, Inc., of Jeffersonville, 
in grant)
    August 2023 - Marine News page: 8

    . Department of Transportation’s Maritime Ad- Fiscal Year 2023: ministration (MARAD) in May announced $20.8 million ACBL Transportation Services, Inc., of Jeffersonville, in grant awards to 27 small shipyards in 20 states through Ind., will receive $1 million to support the purchase of a the Small Shipyard

  • MT Nov-22#56 OFFSHORE DATA 
P  S , ROF)
    November 2022 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 56

    OFFSHORE DATA J W , ANN ENDT RUE CEAN T O P S , ROF ANDKUHL U RNIVERSITY OF OSTOCK R S , AINER TRAETER IONOS 56 November/December 2022 MTR #8 (50-63).indd 56 11/29/2022 3:14:33 PM

  • MR Aug-22#51 WABTEC 
As anyone running ships can attest,  ture. Chris)
    August 2022 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 51

    WABTEC As anyone running ships can attest, ture. Chris Reinauer likes to keep it sim- to run at full power for up to a week in keeping the machinery running is one ple: “As long as the engines we operate some cases. CNG is making inroads but part of the equation, keeping the ma- are modern and well

  • MR Aug-22#49  really 
with 2x 12V250; and the Josephine, Kristy Ann and)
    August 2022 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 49

    WABTEC classes using the Wabtec 250 series engines: Bert Reinauer quired considerable exhaust system design, which we really with 2x 12V250; and the Josephine, Kristy Ann and Janice didn’t have room for, as well as approximately 8% of the ves- Ann Reinauer, all with 2x 6L250. sels capacity dedicated

  • MN Jun-22#42 People &
Waterjet propulsion systems suppli-
    June 2022 - Marine News page: 42

    People & Companies Waterjet propulsion systems suppli- Fagan Con? rmed as er Marine Jet Power announced it has USCG Commandant appointed Kevin Kirby as president of Adm. Linda L. Fagan has been con- ? rmed as the 27th Commandant of MJP, Inc. and regional sales director of Fagan Schultz the U.S.

  • MN Nov-21#71  Tapped to Lead MARAD 
President Joe Biden intends to nominate)
    November 2021 - Marine News page: 71

    People & Companies Phillips Tapped to Lead MARAD President Joe Biden intends to nominate Ann Phillips to serve as Administrator of the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) at the Department of Transportation (DOT), the White House announced in mid-October. The position has been vacant since Mark Buzby

  • MN Nov-21#22 Column 
Washington Watch 
Biden ? nally taps a Maritime)
    November 2021 - Marine News page: 22

    Column Washington Watch Biden ? nally taps a Maritime Administrator as Maritime Administrator. Notwithstanding these ques- Thankfully, additional maritime leadership is on its way tions, Phillips is viewed as a very capable leader within the as President Biden ? nally nominated a Maritime Admin-

  • MN Nov-21#21 Column
Washington Watch
Rear Adm. Ann 
Phillips USN (Ret.)
    November 2021 - Marine News page: 21

    Column Washington Watch Rear Adm. Ann Phillips USN (Ret.) has been tapped to lead the Maritime Administration (MARAD) Photo: U.S. Navy public sectors with respect to freight issues; (3) conducting and overseeing research by USDOT agencies on improving multimodal freight mobility; (4) assisting

  • MR Apr-21#54  Industry (CMHI) 
shipyard in Jiangsu, China. The heavy)
    April 2021 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 54

    Lift Launched in China OHT’s new build vessel Alfa Lift has been ? oated-out from its dry dock at China Merchants Heavy Industry (CMHI) shipyard in Jiangsu, China. The heavy installation vessel is designed and built for installing the next generation XXL off- shore wind foundations. Key elements of

  • MR Apr-21#24 . I have yet to attend a major steel repair proj-
    April 2021 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 24

    stating anything new here, but today this approach planning, tight process control and use of the most mature is rarely applied. I have yet to attend a major steel repair proj- new construction approaches can provide interesting oppor- ect where this level of information transfer actually occurred. tunities

  • MN Apr-21#42 Vessels
Janice Ann Reinauer
Senesco Marine
North Kingstown)
    April 2021 - Marine News page: 42

    Vessels Janice Ann Reinauer Senesco Marine North Kingstown, R.I. shipbuilder Senesco Marine has Reinauer. The tug was designed to operate as an articulated built and delivered another EPA Tier 4 compliant tug, Jan- tug-barge unit (ATB) with an Intercon coupling system. ice Ann Reinauer, to Reinauer

  • MN Apr-21#41  Moran David as chief com-
Stott Joins SAFE Boats 
    April 2021 - Marine News page: 41

    . of autonomous command and con- opment and external affairs. trol systems for commercial vessels, Navico Hires has hired Moran David as chief com- Stott Joins SAFE Boats mercial of? cer (CCO). SAFE Boats International has hired Norton in New Post Navico, parent company to the Mark Stott as business