Jon Gonsoulin

  • 124 Dry Dock Road
    Bourg, Louisiana 70343
    E-mail: [email protected]
    CEO: Richard “Dickie” Gonsoulin
    President: Jon Gonsoulin
    Number of Employees: 250

    The Company:
    LeBeouf Bros. Towing, LLC is one of the oldest marine towing companies operating the U.S. inland waterway system. Formed in the early 1940s by brothers Willard and Irvin LeBeouf, and joined in 1946 by Earl Gonsoulin, the company was purchased by the Gonsoulin family in 1968.
    The Case:
    Today LeBeouf Bros. is privately held and operated by Richard “Dickie” Gonsoulin and his son, Jon Gonsoulin, and continues to operate a growing fleet of inland boats and tank barges serving the petroleum and chemical industries on all major U.S. inland waterways. The company specializes in the carriage of crude oil, clean and dirty petroleum products and chemicals. Diversifying its operations, the company entered the shipyard business in 2005 with Bourg Dry Dock, a fully functional shipyard to build boats, barges and equipment, as well as performing repairs. The company also owns Bayou Blue Fleet which it utilizes for both equipment storage and outside fleeting opportunities.

    (As published in the August 2014 edition of Marine News -

  • in Houma, La., for a festive double celebration marking the delivery of a pair of high spec 95-ft. towboats for LeBeouf Bros. Towing.  To say that Jon Gonsoulin knows how to throw a party is an understatement. The ubiquitous president of LeBeouf Bros. Towing, LLC of Houma, La., hosted a double delivery

  • Dickie Gonsoulin in Houma, La. A Strong Start The partnership forged by Senner and Gonsoulin and extended today by their two sons, Ralph Senner and Jon Gonsoulin, all started in 1967 aboard the M/V Mary R, which was a single screw tugboat  purchased by LeBeouf Brothers Towing after its incorporation in 1944

  • , as LeBouef Bros. Towing of Houma, La., welcomed to its fleet the MV Karl Senner and MV Dickie Gonsoulin in a festive ceremony at the home of Jon Gonsoulin, President, Lebeouf Bros. Towing. While the boat represent many things – a continued boom in the U.S. energy transport business; a nod to the modern

  • MN Aug-14#58  Gonsoulin
President: Jon Gonsoulin
Number of Employees:)
    August 2014 - Marine News page: 58

    . 124 Dry Dock Road Bourg, Louisiana 70343 E-mail: [email protected] Website: CEO: Richard “Dickie” Gonsoulin President: Jon Gonsoulin Number of Employees: 250 The Company: LeBeouf Bros. Towing, LLC is one of the oldest marine towing companies operating the U.S. inland waterway

  • MR Oct-13#10  ceremony at the home of Jon Gonsoulin, Presi-dent, Lebeouf)
    October 2013 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 10

    , as LeBouef Bros. Towing of Houma, La., welcomed to its ß eet the MV Karl Senner and MV Dickie Gonsoulin in a festive ceremony at the home of Jon Gonsoulin, Presi-dent, Lebeouf Bros. Towing. While the boat represent many things ? a continued boom in the U.S. energy transport business; a nod to the

  • MN Oct-13#43 To say that Jon Gonsoulin knows how to throw)
    October 2013 - Marine News page: 43

    To say that Jon Gonsoulin knows how to throw a party is an understatement. The ubiquitous president of LeBeouf Bros. Towing, LLC of Houma, La., hosted a double delivery celebration without compare last month at his home; one which saw LeBeouf and Gonsoulin welcome the MV Karl Senner and MV Dickie

  • MN Oct-13#42  By Greg Trauthwein L to R: Jon Gonsoulin, Ralph Senner, Dickie)
    October 2013 - Marine News page: 42

    ., for a festive double celebration marking the delivery of a pair of high spec 95-ft. towboats for LeBeouf Bros. Towing. By Greg Trauthwein L to R: Jon Gonsoulin, Ralph Senner, Dickie Gonsoulin, Gerda Senner and Mike Senner. 42 MNOctober 2013MN October2013 Layout 32-49.indd 42MN October2013 Layout 32-49

  • MR Sep-13#61 .  L to R: Chris Senner, Jon Gonsoulin and Ralph Senner.)
    September 2013 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 61

    , work ethic, cleanliness, and precision of the Reintjes factory. A bond forged more than 40 years ago stands strong today. L to R: Chris Senner, Jon Gonsoulin and Ralph Senner. MR #9 (58-65).indd 61MR #9 (58-65).indd 619/6/2013 10:34:50 AM9/6/2013 10:34:50 A

  • MR Sep-13#60  December 1981.According to Jon Gonsoulin, President, LeBeouf)
    September 2013 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 60

    with no major repairs to the Reintjes gearbox from date of installation until the vessel was taken out of service in December 1981.According to Jon Gonsoulin, President, LeBeouf Bros. Towing LLC, after the vessel was decommissioned ?we pulled the gearbox out and gave it back to Karl Senner as a momento

  • MR Aug-06#11 August 2006 11
Jon Gonsoulin is not one to rest)
    August 2006 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 11

    August 2006 11 Jon Gonsoulin is not one to rest on his legacy. Jon's grandfather, Earl, began working with the LeBeouf brothers back in 1946 and soon bought into the com- pany. In time, Earl and his two sons, Richard and Jerry, were able to buy the LeBeouf brothers' shares. Earl turned over the