Page 30: of Marine News Magazine (June 1969)
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Three of the invited dignitaries are greeted in the Basildon Room, left to right: William E. Cleary, president of the Harbor Carriers; Rear Adm. Charles P. Murphy, USCG, chief Office of Merchant Marine Safety; Adm. Willard J. Smith, USCG, commandant, United States Coast Guard; Rear Adm. Mark A. Whalen, USCG, commander, Eastern Area and Third Coast Guard District, and William T. Tracy, Banquet Committee chairman. Major Gen. Charles M. Duke, USA (left), division engineer, North Atlantic, United States Army Corps of Engineers, and Hon. George H. Hearn, member of the Federal Maritime Commission. Braxton B. Carr (left), president, The American Waterways Operators, talking to Hon. Neol L. Moylan, commissioner, New York State Department of Commerce. The AWO cooperates with the Harbor Carriers. Harbor Carriers, Port Of New York Hold Annual Banquet The Harbor Carriers of the Port of New-York held its 35th annual banquet on April 25 in the Grand Ballroom of The Waldorf-Astoria. This annual affair opened with a re-ception in the Basildon Room. William T. Tracy, secretary of M. & J. Tracy, Inc., was chairman of the Banquet Com-mittee, assisted by Francis B. Bushey, presi-dent, Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc.; Gerard M. McAllister, vice-president, McAl-lister Brothers, Inc., and Bart J. Turecamo, president, Turecamo Coastal & Harbor Tow-ing Corporation. Eugene F. Moran Jr., retired vice-president of Moran Towing Corporation, who had been a member of the committee since the inception of the banquet in 1934 was named honorary chairman. The Association's president, William E. Cleary, presided over the evening's festivities. The Association was founded in 1934 as a successor organization to the old New York Boat Owners Association. Its purpose is to foster and preserve the interests of harbor-craft operators and to promote the welfare of the Port of New York. It is a voluntary, non-profit, marine trade association composed of 50 transportation firms. Cooperation with other marine industry or-ganizations is maintained through affiliation with The New York Tow Boat Exchange, the New York State Waterways Association. Inc., and The American Waterways Operators, Inc. J. Frank Belford Jr. (extreme left), president of New York State Waterways Association is shown with, left to right: Col. Harvey C. Jones, USA, district engineer, New York District, Corps of Engineers; Hon. Michael D. M. West-gate, assistant commissioner, New York City Department of Ports and Terminals, and Jeremiah J. Sullivan, execu-tive vice-president, The Security Bureau. Left to right: Eugene J. O'Connor, executive secretary, Marine Towing & Transportation Employers Association; James J. O'Brien, director. Bureau of Motorboats, State Conservation Department; Thomas F. Horan, past presi-dent, Harbor Carriers, and Capt. Joseph O'Hare, presi-dent, United Marine Division, National Maritime Union. Left to right: Hon. Morris Tarshis, director, Bureau of Franchises, City of New York; George H. Blohm, chair-man of the board, The American Waterways Operators; Capt. Carl F. Pfeifer, assistant director of operations, Atlantic Coast District, Maritime Administration, United States Department of Commerce, and Ernest T. Bauer, deputy executive director, Virginia State Ports Authority. From the left: Robert J. Hughes, North Atlantic regional vice-president, The American Waterways Operators, Inc.; Dr. Ira U. Cobleigh, past president, Harbor Carriers; Richard N. Wright, secretary-treasurer, Canal Society of New York State, and Peter E. Edwards, president, Foreign Commerce Club of New York. The Hon. J. Burch McMorran (left), commissioner, De-partment of Transportation of the State of New York, joins with, left to right: Adm. Willard J. Smith, com-mandant, United States Coast Guard, Hon. Jacob H. Gil-bert, United States House of Representatives, 22nd Con-gressional District, New York, and William E. Cleary, president, Harbor Carriers of the Port of New York, which represents 50 transportation firms. From left: Hon. William H. Allen Jr., chairman, Albany Port District Commission; James P. McAllister, member of the New York State Board of Pilot Commissioners; Rear Adm. Edward J. O'Donnell, USN (ret.), president. State University of New York Maritime College, and Robert N. Kamp, assistant superintendent, operation and maintenance?waterways, New York State Department of Transportation. Deputy Inspector Raymond J. Kenny (left), commanding officer, Emergency Service Office, N.Y. City Police De-partment, is shown with, left to right: Rear Adm. Gordon McLintock, USMS, superintendent, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy; Roger H. Gilman, director of port develop-ment, Port of New York Authority, and Hon. Michael Stramiello Jr., Regional Commissioner of Customs, Bu-reau of Customs. 32 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News