Page 32: of Marine News Magazine (June 1969)
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Guide Scientific Buys Pacific Ship Repair The acquisition of Pacific Ship Repair, Inc., San Francisco, by Guide Scientific Industries, Sun Valley, Calif., for an undisclosed amount of cash has been announced by GSI President John J. Guarrera. In making the announcement, Mr. Guarrera pointed out that the acquisition will add in excess of THRIGE-We belong on every decl LUBE & FUEL OIL PURIFIERS. Standard & Self-Cleaning Types with automatic control capacities: 220-1750 U.S. GPH FOR FULL DETAILS AND BROCHURES ON ALL THRIGE-TITAN MACHINERY write or phone STAL-LAVAL $10-million to GSI's projected $4-million sales for the current fiscal year. Earnings per share for the 640.000 outstanding shares of Guide are expected to be in excess of one dollar. GSI is a western over-the-counter stock, while Pacific Ship is privately owned. The 23-year-old San Francisco firm is the fifth in a series of ac-quisitions this year, carefully selected to complement and round-TITAN ? ? ? out the Sun Valley science-based company's specialized capabilities. Guide's Naval Division, a leader in high-power microwave and associ-ated shipboard electronic equip-ment, will coordinate activities be-tween the parent company and its latest acquisition. Increase in the division's annual volume over the next two years is consequently ex-pected to range from $3-$5-million. "The combined capabilities will result in one of the most modern and complete facilities on the West Coast for the installation and up-grading of fire-control, guidance and shipboard navigation systems," Mr. Guarrera reported. "Pacific Ship is a well-established firm with an excellent reputation for the con-version and modernization of a wide variety of ships. Among its largest regular customers are the U.S. Navy, Sea-Land, Matson Lines, and American President Lines." President John Bentzen of Paci-fic Ship is convinced that the "one-stop modernization capability" en-gendered by the association with GSI will significantly broaden the scope of his company's services. "To date, the high-speed upgrad-ing of ships for handling container-ized cargo has represented our pri-mary growth area," he said. "Our new electronics capabilities will add substantially to our growth." Puget Sound Tug Names G.A. Watkins Marine Sales Manager G. A. Watkins COMBINED WINDLASS AND AUTOMATIC CONSTANT-TENSION MOORING WINCH By combining equipment: savings in motors, controller systems and space are achieved. CARGO WINCHES Ward-Leonard Control System, Transductor regulated. Offers optimum reliability with maximum cargo handling speed. Designed for: 5, 8,12, 16 tons with full load hoisting speeds up to 330 FPM. AUTOMATIC CONSTANT-TENSION MOORING WINCHES Ward-Leonard control system, Transductor regulated, maintains constant pull under all conditions of tide or weather. Capacities from 5 to 20 tons. and below deck For High-Wattage Illumination Here's a high wattage searchlight designed to give you vivid illumination for a distance of at least one mile. Perfect for safe navigation and protection of your vessel. All copper, bronze and brass construction for long service life. Exclusive pinion-gear drive for fast, easy horizontal and vertical sweep with double-wheel or lever control. Ray-Line pilot house control, high wattage searchlights are available in 10", 12", 14" diameter, 300 to 1000 watts, 24 to 220 volts, 1 mile and iy2 mile beams. For complete specifications of No. 1088 searchlight (shown here) and full line of 6" to 26" searchlights, send for catalog CM66MR Manufactured by: The Portable Light Co., Inc. 65 Passaic Avenue, Kearny, New Jersey 07032 Established 1923 G. A. Watkins of Everett, Wash., has been named marine sales man-ager for Puget Sound Tug & Barge Company, Seattle, Wash. The ap-pointment was announced by Leo L. Collar, executive vice-president of the company. In addition, Mr. Watkins will serve as assistant project manager for North Slope operations this summer. Prior to joining Puget Sound Tug & Barge Company, Mr. Wat-kins was vice-president and a di-rector of American Tug Boat Com-pany of Everett. Mr. Watkins, a well-known fig-ure in the local maritime industry, has been in the tug and barge in-dustry for 21 years and has a wide variety of experience in all phases of the business. Mr. Watkins began his maritime career by sailing for the U.S. Mer-chant Marine during World War II. He began sailing on tugs in 1948 for American Tug Boat Com-pany. After several years 011 the boats, Mr. Watkins came ashore and worked in all phases of the business including dispatching, op-erations, sales and management. Mr. Collar stated that the addi-tion of Mr. Watkins to the man-agement of Puget Sound Tug & Barge Company represents another step in the company's program to maintain leadership by providing the best management know-how and equipment to do any job. 147 East 50th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022. Phone: Area 212-421-0895 34 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News