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Do like prudent owners throughout the world - ask our advice on mooring and cargo handling matters - before they become practical problems. It is Pusnes' business to increase your efficiency - maker of deck machinery since 1890. , lir it-PU5NE5 A.5 PUSIMES Arendal - Norway Phone 22120 - Telex Oslo 1858 Lockheed's SCIENTERRIFIC ship repair facilities The story of our new tenth-scale lofting system ? whereby a scanner follows a tenth-scale pattern and guides automatic machinery to precision-cut steel to the exact size and shape required ?is too unusual for ordinary words. So, we coined a term for this amazing per-formance?SCIENTERRIFIC! It's in direct con-trast to another phase of LSCC's versatility-talented human facilities for splicing rope, or managing complex machines. This versatility pays off in faster, better repairs for you. That's why Lockheed is called the "now" shipyard. If you need us, call. Now! LOCKHEED SHIPBUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2929 16th AVE. S.W., SEATTLE, WASH. 98134 PHONE 206-623-2072 > CABLE LOCKSHIP NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVE: James R. Porter 17 Battery Place, New York, N Y. 10004 ? Phone 212-943-7795 Sun Ship To Build Two Oil Tankers Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., of Chester, Pa., is to build two 80,000-dwt oil tankers for undis-closed interests at an approximate cost of $17-million each. Desig-nated Hulls Nos. 652 and 653, and to be powered with 24,000-shp dou-ble-reduction geared turbines, each tanker will have a length between perpendiculars of 765 feet, a beam of 125 feet and a depth of 57 feet. Rowe Ind. Building Twin-Screw Tugboat Rowe Industries, Inc., George-town, S.C., is to build a twin-screw tugboat for White Stack Towing Corp., subsidiary of Florida Tow-ing Corp., Jacksonville, Fla. To be equipped with 2,250-total-bhp Cat-erpillar diesels, the tug will have dimensions of 90 feet by 27 feet by 14 feet. Daly's To Build Fishing Vessel Daly's Boatyard, of Fort George Island, Fla., is to construct a fish-ing vessel for undisclosed interests. To be powered with 425-bhp Gen-eral Motors diesels, the boat will be 66 feet in length, 20 feet in beam and 12 feet in depth. Fruehauf Corp. Buying Jacksonville Shipyards The Fruehauf Corporation has announced an agreement to pur-chase the Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc. of Jacksonville, Fla. The pur-chase price was given as about $8.5-million. Fruehauf, best known for the manufacture of truck trailers and containers, already owns the Mary-land Shipbuilding and Drydock Company and Pacific Coast Engi-neering Corporation, which firms are in the shipbuilding and repair business and manufacture other marine equipment. William E. Grace, in making the announcement at the corporation's annual meeting, said that Jackson-ville Shipyards, whose sales for the past five years have averaged ap-proximately $35-million per year will add to the services provided by Fruehauf. He further added that this acquisition will increase Frue-hauf's capability to provide service and repair facilities to oceangoing vessels and container-ships at the growing ports along the southeast-ern seaboard, supplementing such services available through Mary-land Shipbuilding. Please request our list of sales and service representatives in all major maritime countries. MARITIME REPORTER ENGINEERING NEWS' 107 EAST 31st STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016 MUrray Hill 9-3266, 3267, 3268, 3269 ESTABLISHED 1939 No. 11 Volume 31 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News is published the 1st and 15th of each month by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc., with executive, advertising and editorial offices at 107 East 31st Street, New York, N. Y. 10016; publishing office at 41 First Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Control-led Circulation postcge paid at Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Member Business Publications, Audit of Circulation, ln& 4 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News