Page 38: of Marine News Magazine (June 1969)
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"WebbperfectioN" Oil Burning Ranges Toastmaster Electric Galley Ranges Toggle Pins Mechanical Fog Horns Steel Cleats & Chocks ELISHA WEBB & SON CO. 136 S. Front St., Phila., Pa. 19106 Phone (215) WA 5-0534 John J. McMullen Associates Realigns Top Management Joseph J. Cuneo Ralph A. Corvino Norman K. Basile Thomas F. Bridges John J. McMullen Associates, Inc., naval ar-chitects, marine engineers and consultants has announced the election of Joseph J. Cuneo as president and the appointment of Ralph A. Corvino as vice-president in charge of the ship motions division, Norman K. Basile as vice-president in charge of the machinery division and Thomas F. Bridges as manager of the spe-cial projects group. Mr. Cuneo has previously served as execu-THE NEW LOOK IN MARINE LIGHTING 6400 6200 SS MARINE STAINLESS STEEL MERCURY VAPOR MARINE FLUORESCENT 5JVELSQW OILFIELD LIGHTING CO., INC. P. 0. BOX 1284 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76101 NO BRAG, JUST FACT A fleet of fast, seaworthy sup-ply vessels and tugs with ex-perience in the world's roughest seas. Operated and staffed by our own experienced crews. JACKSON MARINE CORPORATION P. 0. Box 1087 Aransas Pass, Texas 78336 512/758-3295 Cable JACMAC tive vice-president of John J. McMullen As-sociates, Inc. since joining the firm in July of 1968. He is a graduate of Webb Institute of Naval Architecture and of the Harvard Gradu-ate School of Business. Mr. Cuneo announced that Mr. Corvino will be responsible for the overall management of the ship motions division, which in addition to conducting the technical and engineering de-velopment work associated with the Flume Stabilization System for control of ships rolling at sea, also carries out comprehensive research and development concerning all types of ship motions and sea responses for conventional ships forms as well as for complex offshore structures such as drilling rigs, mooring buoys, etc. Mr. Corvino will also continue to be re-sponsible for the activities and development of McMullen Associates' affiliated companies in Hamburg, Madrid and London. Mr. Corvino is a graduate of the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, N.Y. and the City Uni-versity of New York. He has been with Mc-Mullen Associates since 1964 and has served as vice-president and chief marine engineer of the machinery division prior to this new assign-ment. Mr. Cuneo further advised that Mr. Basile has assumed the overall responsibility and management of the machinery division. He is a graduate of the New York State Maritime College and holds a master's degree in me-chanical engineering from the City University of New York. He joined McMullen Associates in 1965 and has served as a supervisor in the machinery division and as manager of the spe-cial projects group responsible for merchant and naval ship powerplants and for the design of systems for the carriage of cryogenic lique-fied gas products. Mr. Basile holds a number of patents in gas tanker technology. Mr. Bridges, who also holds a number of patents in the field of cryogenic gas tanker technology, has been appointed to assume the responsibilities of the special projects group. He has been with McMullen Associates since 1957 and is a graduate of the University of Michigan. His most recent assignment has been as the special projects officer in charge of research and development responsible for con-ceptual design and specifications for a number of new vessel types. Mr. Cuneo stated that these changes were made in order to most effectively utilize the talents of these men and to recognize their contributions towards the continued rapid ex-pansion and growth of McMullen Associates' activities in the marine field. Island Tug Adds Two Cargo Barges To Fleet Island Tug & Barge Limited, Vancouver, Canada, in the second phase of its seven-mil-lion-dollar building program, has ordered two 2,500-ton barges from Yarrows Limited. The two $250,000 barges designed by Robert Allan Ltd. will be ready for delivery by June 30. Although to be used primarily for bulk cargo, they will be able to carry a variety of products. The 212-foot by 49-foot by 14-foot vessels will complement Island's diversified fleet. World's Largest Building Dock Partially Completed In Belfast The first stage in the construction of what will eventually be the largest shipbuilding dock in the world has been completed at Har-land and Wolff, Ltd.'s Belfast yard, according to an announcement by the firm. Construction of the first of two 253,000-dwt tankers the yard is building for Esso has also been begun at the facility which, when com-pleted in November, will be capable of accom-modating a ship of more than a million tons. 40 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News