Page 54: of Marine News Magazine (June 1969)
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Barbour Boat Delivers Unique Fishing Vessels The MV Ruth-M and the MV Sheela-L can catch, process and deliver scallops ready for marketing when the vessels reach home port. Barbour Boat Works, Inc., of New Bern, N.C., recently com-pleted two modern 86-foot 0-inch scalloper fishing vessels which R. R. Rivenbark, president of Barbour Boat Works, feels marks a signifi-cant advance in fishing for scallops. Both these vessels, the MV Ruth-M and MV Sheela-L, designed by naval architect S. L. Petchul, em-ploy an efficient double chine type hull and are extensively outfitted with sleeping accommodations for 14 crew members, with all living areas being air conditioned. The pilothouse is aft, providing com-plete visibility of fishing operation. The trawl winches are located at the bow, keeping the trawl cables off the working deck. Equipment includes the latest Marco hydraulic trawl winches, GM-12V-71N main diesel engine with a 6-to-l reduction gear giving 340 hp, and a Southerner 4-bladed 62-inch diameter by 50-inch pitch propeller. The vessels are capable of a sustained speed of 10 knots fully loaded. The unique feature of these ves-sels is the scallop processing ma-chinery developed by Elmer Willis of Williston, N.C., who is an ex-pert with many years of experience in the processing of scallops. Scal-lops are caught and processed on board the vessels with the shell and eviscerate being removed and the scallops being ready for marketing when the vessels reach port. The MV Ruth-M and MV She-ela-L are both owned by Ocean Scallops, Inc., and are now being operated off the East Coast of Florida fishing the newly discover-ed scallop beds in the area. Dr. S.K. Chen Joins F-M Power Systems Division Of Colt Dr. Simon K. Chen The appointment of Dr. Simon K. Chen as vice-president and gen-eral manager of the large engine operation was announced by J. M. Monroe, president of Fairbanks Morse Power Systems Division, Colt Industries. "The interest in and general ac-ceptance of the 38A20 line of large engines for both marine and power generating applications has brought a long-range, multi-million-dollar expansion program to the divi-sion's Beloit, Wise, facilities," said Mr. Monroe in making the an-nouncement. "Much of the pro-gram is already completed. Dr. Chen, in his new position, will be responsible for all engineering and manufacturing for these engines." Dr. Chen replaces E. E. Blystone who has been advanced to vice-president and general manager of the medium engine operation. Dr. Chen received his BS degree in mechanical engineering in 1947 from the National Chiao-Tung University in Shanghai, China. He obtained his MS degree from the University of Michigan and com-pleted his PhD studies at the Uni-versity of Wisconsin. He also ob-tained an MBA, Executive Pro-gram, from the University of Chi-cago. Since 1952, Dr. Chen has served in various engineering manage-ment capacities with the Interna-tional Harvester Organization. He is an active member of SAE, ASME and the Combustion Insti-tute and has held various chairman-ships. He has authored several technical papers, and in 1966 he was honored with the Arch T. Col-well Merit Award by SAE for his technical contribution to the So-ciety. Dr. Chen holds several U.S. patents on instrumentation and on piston and gas-turbine engines. Southern Machine Appoints Truxillo Sales Representative Ruffin G. Truxillo has been ap-pointed sales representative for Southern Machine and Tool Co., Inc., Houston, Texas, in the Gulf areas of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. R. G. Thompson, vice-president of SMATCO, announced the appointment. Mr. Truxillo will handle sales of winches, windlasses and deck ma-chinery for the Houma, La. ma-rine towing and hoisting equipment manufacturer. Founded in 1948 as a specialized machine shop serving the oil in-dustry, SMATCO is today the largest winch-manufacturing firm in the Gulf South, shipping cus-tom-designed towing and anchor handling equipment to customers all over the world. F.R. Harris Designs Nova Scotia Terminal For Mammoth Tankers A new terminal to handle mam-moth tankers will soon be under construction at Point Tupper. Nova Scotia. Frederic R. Harris of Canada, Ltd. in a joint venture with Gibb, Albery, Pullerits and Dickson have recently completed the design of a two-berth terminal for Gulf Oil of Canada, Ltd., under the auspices of the Department of Public Works of Canada, Atlantic Region. The present schedule is to have the facility ready for the receipt of crude oil in August, 1970. The over-all project is scheduled to be com-pleted by late fall of that year. Up-on completion, the terminal facili-ties will be able to accommodate 325,000-dwt tankers on the outer berth and product tankers up to 50,000 dwt on the inner berth. The offshore facilities are part of a refinery complex being con-structed by Gulf Oil on Cape Bre-ton Island in Nova Scotia. Harris-GAPD have had the re-sponsibility of preparing the design from the battery limit on shore, seaward, for all the structural, me-chanical, electrical and instrumen-tation construction. During the course of the project, Harris assigned a team of speci-alists to head the work in the joint venture office in Toronto. Mem-bers of the team included : assistant vice-president J. A. Ferenz, project manager; A. Olsen, O. Starke and L. Minazzi, project engineers for the structural, mechanical and elec-trical aspects of the design. Vice-President E. A. Stratton was in overall charge of the project. With the successful completion of the design of this project, Harris has now had the satisfying experi-ence of being the engineers for all terminals designed to date for the mammoth-class tankers now com-ing of age. Four OBO Carriers Ordered From NKK Four orders for oil-bulk-ore (OBO) carriers have been an-nounced by Nippon Kokan, Japan's only integrated shipbuilder-steel-maker. Hiroo Ikematsu, NKK's New York naval architect, said Porthos Shipping Co. and Athos Shipping Co., both of Liberia have each or-dered one 96,000-dwt OBO and that the prominent Norwegian shipping company, Anders Jahre, has ordered two of the triple-pur-pose vessels at 95,700 dwt. The world's first OBO carrier, the 61,000-dwt San Juan Trader, was delivered to San Juan Carriers, Ltd. by Nippon Kokan in April, 1966. Japan's Ministry of Transport has approved the building of a total of 40 triple-purpose carriers during the last three years. These 40 ves-sels aggregate 3,701,960 dwt. ORIGINAL PAINTING?C. James Gay, left, assistant director, Texaco International Marine Sales, presents an original artist's painting of the SS Ponce De Leon to R. D. Carter, president, Transamerican Trailer Transport Inc., the firm that owns the vessel. 56 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News